The Bara Imambara, or “Great” Imambara of Lucknow in northern India, stands a testament to human ingenuity and compassion. Built during a devastating famine in the 18th century, this architectural...
Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, and one of its largest, is located in the northern Gangetic plains of the country. With a storied history and a slew of rulers having fought over parts of...
The Supreme court in India has finally ended perhaps the world’s most controversial property dispute. The judges’ ruled that the holy site of Ayodhya should be given to members of the Hindu religion...
For the past few weeks, residents in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have been worried about supernatural forces visiting them in their homes at night, leaving strange scratches...
Earlier this week we reported on an excavation taking place in Uttar Pradesh, India, after Hindu swami Shobhan Sarkar relayed a dream to an Indian government minister in which the spirit of a former...
Archaeologists have launched a furious dig for treasure beneath a 19 th century fort in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India after a well-known Hindu holy man predicted a substantial cache of...