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Tracy McLoughlin

Tracy received her BA in History with Archaeology at Bangor University back in 2013. Living in Anglesey, one of the most archaeological rich environments in Wales has developed her love of all things pre-history. Having studied history at all different stages she currently writes academic essays and articles as a freelancer putting her skills to use. In her full-time job, she works as a community carer and shares her love of history with the people she cares for. Engaging with older generations and their first-hand stories from historical events some from people born previous to the Spanish flu in 1918.


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The Corpses of the De Witt Brothers by Jan de Baen. (Public domain)

Johan de Witt: The Failed Politician who was Cannibalized by his Opponents

Even after a successful political career, Johan de Witt has gone down in history for having suffered one of the most bizarre assassinations in history and one of the few recorded cases of cannibalism...
A spectacular example of the mysterious “living and moving” trovants of Romania, a rare and complex geological formation. Source: Nicu Buculei / CC BY-SA 3.0

Romania’s Enigmatic Trovants: Living Rocks That Grow and Move!

Roughly six million years ago, paleo-earthquakes created a type of geological phenomenon called trovants. They are also known as the stones of Costesti, after their most famous location in Romania,...