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Greg Sams

Gregory Sams has been bringing novel concepts to the culture since the age of 19, when, in 1967, he and brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger, creating a marketplace for vegetarian food. Leaving food for fractals in 1990, he opened Strange Attractions, the world's only shop dedicated to chaos theory. This new science underpinned his first book, Uncommon Sense, the State is Out of Date, which is not about politics, but about not politics. His last book, Sun of gOd, Discover the Self-Organizing Principle that Underlies Everything, re-introduces us to our local star, the most revered deity in history.

Gregory’s new book “The State Is Out of Date – We can do it better” will be available from September 2013 as an E-book, the print copy will be publishing in April 2014.

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The Greatest Discovery Never Made – Ancient Civilizations Thrived With NO Ruling Elite

There is a remarkable discovery that has not yet emerged from our renewed interest in ancient civilization. Yet few remark upon this glaring omission from the relics and records we dig up and...