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Fiona Keating ---

Fiona Keating studied ancient history at University College London. She has continued her studies in the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman world at City Lit adult education centre in London.

She has been a journalist and editor for over twenty years, having worked at the Independent, the Guardian and International Business Times. Fiona has written extensively on ancient history, recent discoveries and finds from the ancient world as well as features on the use of new technology in archaeology. Her favourite places in the world are Pompeii and Herculaneum.


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Main: depiction of the crucifixion/death of Jesus Christ and the thieves, Gestas and Dismas. (Andrea Mantegna / Public domain).        Inset: The calcaneus of Yehohanon ben Hagkol, with transfixed nail. (Israel Museum / Ilan Shtulman)

New Crucifixion Evidence Sheds Light on the Death of Jesus Christ

An investigation into crucifixions reveals evidence using the latest medical technology on how the horrific form of execution was slow and excruciating, providing new insights into the death of Jesus...