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Gary Manners

Gary is an editor and content manager for Ancient Origins. He has a BA in Politics and Philosophy from the University of York and a Diploma in Marketing from CIM. He has worked in education, the educational sector, social work and personal development. Gary has an interest in societies and social order, people’s values and social structures and generally how societies work. He has experienced life in several types of social order, from Liberal Western Democracy (mainly), to Socialist, Communist and even a Buddhist lifestyle in China.


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The Roman sarcophagus found on a Varna beach, Bulgaria.

Appearance of Sarcophagus on Beach Has Experts Pondering Its Origin

In a bizarre find, a vacationer came across a Roman sarcophagus on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast near Varna. The find was reported to the local authorities, leading to a swift response by...
Underwater Excavations Reveal How Neolithic Village Adapted to Drought

Underwater Excavations Reveal How Neolithic Village Adapted to Drought

Around 6,200 BC, the global climate experienced a dramatic shift. Temperatures dropped, sea levels rose, and the southern Levant, encompassing modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan,...
View of the ongoing excavation, Jerusalem

Massive Fortification Protected the Elite in Jerusalem

Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery at the City of David in the Jerusalem Walls National Park. After 150 years of research, a massive fortification has been uncovered that protected...
Left; Jean Dieu de Saint-Jean, Habit Noir (evening wear), etching c. 1670. Right; Inside the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge.	Source: Left; Reproduced by permission of the Pepys Library, Magdalene College Cambridge.  Right; Douglas Atfield/University of Cambridge

Samuel Pepys' Fashion Prints Reveal His Guilty Pleasure: Fancy French Clothes

Samuel Pepys, the renowned English diarist and naval administrator, is well-known for his detailed accounts of life in the 17th century. While his diary entries from 1660 to 1669 provide rich...
Two porcelain Ming Dynasty flasks, not necessarily part of the dispute. 	Source: British Museum/Public domain

Chinese Artifacts in Repatriation Row Were 'Given Willingly' to British Museum

The British Museum, renowned for its extensive collection of Chinese antiquities, has been at the center of debates regarding the repatriation of artifacts. Historically, many assumed that these...
The stone carvings found during a diving expedition near Aswan, Egypt.	Source: © Dr Cristian Craciun/Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Rediscovered Underwater Near Aswan

Archaeologists recently unveiled a remarkable discovery near Aswan, Egypt: rock carvings depicting ancient Egyptian pharaohs, submerged for decades due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam. This...
Semicircular tomb in Pompeii being excavated.	Source: Pompeii Archaeological Site

Roman Military Tomb Inscription Reveals Unknown Imperial Position

A recent discovery in Pompeii has provided fascinating insights into the history and network of power during the reign of Emperor Augustus. During routine construction work at the Archaeological Park...
LiDAR scan image of the Bodbury Ring Hillfort. 	Source: University of Chester

Bodbury Ring Hillfort Six Times Larger Than Thought

A remarkable discovery at Shropshire's Bodbury Ring Hillfort has shed new light on the region's Iron Age history. Archaeologists from Channel Four’s Time Team, alongside experts from the Universities...
The recently restored portion of the marble floor of the villa in the submerged park of Baia, Bacoli, Italy. 	Source: Edoardo Ruspantini/ Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

Marvels Beneath the Waves: Restored Marble Floor of Sunken Roman Villa Revealed

The underwater world of ancient Rome continues to yield astonishing discoveries, the latest being a stunning marble floor of a sunken villa near Bacoli, Italy. This remarkable find is part of the...
The 1800-year-old Athena ring found in Carmel, Israel        Source: Emil Eljam/ Israel Antiquities Authority

13-Year-Old Discovers 1,800-Year-Old Ring Featuring Goddess of War

13-year-old Yair Whitson from Haifa made a significant archaeological discovery during a recreational walk with his father. The boy somehow happened upon an approximately 1,800-year-old bronze ring...
Sample of the oldest known insect-dyed fabric.	Source: Dafna Gazit/Israel Antiquities Authority

4000-Year-Old Fabric from Cave of Skulls is Oldest Known Insect-Dyed Textile

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient textile dyed with the Kermes vermilio insect, from the Cave of Skulls in Israel. This significant find dates back to the Middle Bronze Age (1954–1767 BC) and...
The sedimentary outcrops at Orca

New Dating Places the First European Hominids in Southern Iberia

One of the most significant controversies in the study of human evolution and migration is determining when and by what route the first hominids arrived in Europe from Africa. Recent geological...
A marine archaeologist holds up intact glass vessels.	Source: Regional Historic Museum Burgas

Ancient Glassware Recovered from the Depths off Bulgaria’s Coast

In June 2024, an extensive underwater archaeological survey was carried out in Chengene Skele Bay, near the city of Burgas, Bulgaria. The expedition explored five distinct areas within the bay,...
Aerial image of the partially excavated site at Tava-tepe, with the ritual table center	Source: GaRKAP/CAMNES

3500-Year-Old Ritual Table Unearthed in Azerbaijan's Tava-tepe

Archaeologists from the University of Catania have made a groundbreaking discovery in the ancient settlement of Tava-tepe, located in the Agstafa district of Azerbaijan. This 3500-year-old site,...
Archaeologists have uncovered remnants of an ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital in northwestern France.	Source: Emmanuelle Collado/ INRAP

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Roman City in Rennes, France

In Rennes, northwestern France, archaeologists have uncovered remnants of a vibrant ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital. This significant discovery, initiated in 2022, is now revealing...
Tower of Rouen Cathedral billows smoke.

BREAKING: Fire Engulfs Iconic Rouen Cathedral Spire in France

In the historic city of Rouen, France, a fire has engulfed the spire of the renowned Gothic cathedral, Our Lady of the Assumption. Firefighters are currently battling the blaze, which has prompted a...
