Across the sands of time, the echoes of ancient warfare resound, revealing a captivating glimpse into the evolution of human conflict. In the realm of battle, the ingenuity of our ancestors gave...
In the annals of history, certain swords have become legendary symbols of power, heroism, and the mastery of craftsmanship. These revered blades were wielded by prominent historical figures and...
For thousands of years humans have found good reason to stab, chop, slice and dice each other up, and the choice weapon which has endured the tests of time is the sword. Historically, kings, emperors...
Long before modern warfare, there was a time of knights in shining armor atop equally armored horses fighting for the hand of a maiden or in pitched battle. However, the weapons that these knights...
The urumi (which may be literally translated as ‘curling blade’,) is a type of weapon from India. This weapon is known also as ‘surul vaal’, which means ‘spring sword’). As its name suggests, this...