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Grasshopper Diet Caused Lethal Constipation 1,000 Years Ago

Grasshopper Diet Caused Lethal Constipation 1,000 Years Ago

A naturally mummified man was found to have had a grasshopper diet for several months before he died. His body was found in 1937 when a young man called Guy Skiles was exploring in a rock-shelter...
The Aurora airship incident is a supposed example of a UFO crash landing in Texas. Source: fergregory /Adobe Stock

The Aurora Airship Incident: UFO Crash, Mars Fever or Hoax?

The most famous early example of a story about a UFO crash landing is the Roswell incident of 1947. This event is known to have helped spark the modern UFO subculture and the idea that Earth is being...
Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists Biting Dust On the 50th Anniversary of First Lunar Mission

Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists Biting Dust On the 50th Anniversary of First Lunar Mission

Today, July 20 2019, at precisely 4:17:40PM ET, it is exactly fifty years since the Apollo Lunar Module ‘Eagle’ touched down on the Moon and while anniversary events are being held all over the world...
Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2016: From Lost Cities to Ancient Tombs, Shrines, Maps and Unknown Species

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2016: From Lost Cities to Ancient Tombs, Shrines, Maps and Unknown Species

This year has provided an array of exciting, and sometimes puzzling, discoveries for archaeologists and ancient history enthusiasts. Looking back to our most ancient ancestors, a few of the...
Unraveling the secrets of White Shaman Cave

Unraveling the secrets of White Shaman Cave

On the border between southwestern Texas in the USA and northwestern Coahuila in Mexico, is the archaeological region known as Lower Pecos River. It contains more than 2,000 archaeological sites...
The sun strikes the exact center of the figure at right at noon on the winter solstice.

A thousand years ago, Native Americans aligned drawings with solstice sun

Hundreds of years ago, Native Americans in what is now West Texas drew more than a thousand glyphs in red pigment on rocks on a cliff. Every winter solstice at noon, the sun strikes the center of one...