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Tattooed Sorceress Queen

Tomb of the Tattooed Sorceress Queen, The Lady of Cao

The day had been spent in ritual battles, and a group of individuals who were vanquished, naked, and tied-together were marched up the long stairs to the top platform of the great pyramid where there...
A rich Moche grave with elaborate copper artifacts and several ceramic vessels.

Making Copper Look Like Gold: 1,400-Year-Old Moche Graves Reveal Rich Artifacts of Ancient Elite

A team of archaeologists digging at the Ucupe archaeological site in the north-western Peruvian region of Lambayeque have discovered Moche civilization graves dating back 1,400 years. The Moche...
1500-year-old construction at Limon archaeological site, Peru

Important Moche Ceremonial Rooms Discovered in Peru

A Peruvian archaeological mission has discovered a pre-Hispanic Mochica ceremonial banquet hall and another room possibly used for political announcements. The discovery took place at the ruins of...
Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

The face of a powerful ruler of the ancient Moche civilization of Peru, known as El Señor de Sipán (The Lord of Sipán), has been revealed for the first time following an intensive project to...
The Tomb of the Lord of Sipan, Mochican Warrior Priest

Tomb of the Lord of Sipan, Mochican Warrior Priest

(Part 1: The spectacular Mochican tomb complex of Huaca Rajada ) In 1987, an enormous complex of unplundered Moche culture tombs was unearthed at the Huaca Rajada archaeological site, near Sipán on...
The Mochican tomb complex of Huaca Rajada in Peru

The spectacular Mochican tomb complex of Huaca Rajada, Peru

In 1987, some of the most extraordinary tombs in the world were found in Sipán’s Huaca Rajada, a Moche archaeological site on the North coast of Peru, which predates the Inca by some 1,000 years...