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Vardzia, Georgia’s Incredible Cave City Built By Their Fierce Queen

Vardzia, Georgia’s Incredible Cave City Built By Their Fierce Queen

The Republic of Georgia has a dramatic history stretching back centuries, partly because of its strategic position in the Caucuses, midway between Europe and Asia. Among the many attractions of this...
The Seljuks invaded Central Asia and Southeast Russia in the 11th century.

The Seljuks: Nomads Who Built an Empire and Took On Byzantine Power

The Seljuk Empire was a medieval empire that existed between the 11th and 12th centuries. They are most famous for their invasions and battles against the Byzantine Empire and later their role in the...
One of the woven silk bands.

Researchers Discover ‘Allah’ Inscribed in Vikings Burial Costumes

Researchers from Sweden have discovered that Vikings had “Allah” and “Ali” embroidered into their funeral clothes, raising questions about the ties between the Islamic world and the Viking-era...
Seljuk ring discovered in Viking-era grave

Ring discovered in Viking-era grave has Arabic inscription

A silver ring from a Viking-era grave in Birka, Sweden, has a distinctive history: it is the first ring with Arabic inscription from that era found in Scandinavia. The ring, which has an inscription...