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Scenic Talava Arch, Niue                   Source:  Brian Scantlebury / Adobe Stock

Behold the Coconut! There’s Nothing Savage About Niue

There are many small countries in the vast South Pacific and they are often unknown to the world outside the region. Niue is one of these - a tiny country with a unique culture as a result of its...
Aerial view of Funafuti atoll and the airstrip the airport in Vaiaku       Source: Dmitry/ Adobe Stock)

Could Tuvalu’s History Stretch Back 8000 Years?

Tuvalu is a small independent nation in the Pacific. This group of islands is one of the most remote in the world and its population is one of the most isolated. Despite this, the islands have a long...
One of many star mounds now revealed on American Samoa.            Source: Tagata Pasifika / Youtube Screenshot

Samoan Star Mounds Baffle Archaeologists

Detection of scores of ancient ‘Star Mounds’ baffle archaeologists on Samoa. Samoa is in the South Pacific Ocean, and it has a tropical climate with thick rain forests and almost impassable volcanic...
The natural beauty of Samoa. The Falemauga Caves offer insight into Samoan prehistory and archaeology.

Falemauga Caves Provide Unprecedented Insight into Ancient Samoan History

Samoa is located in the South Pacific and is famed for its beautiful beaches and its tropical forests. However there are also many natural wonders in Samoa, including many remarkable volcanic craters...
The megalithic gate of Ha’amonga ‘a Maui, Tonga

New research suggests Tonga was a vast seafaring empire

Scattered over 500,000 square kilometres in the southern Pacific Ocean are the Tonga islands. The kingdom of Tonga is a Polynesian sovereign state and archipelago comprising nearly two hundred...
The ancient origins of the ceremonial Kava drink of the Pacific

The ancient origins of the ceremonial Kava drink of the Pacific

The ancient origins of Kava drinking is known to trace back at least 3,000 years and is associated with both social and ceremonial function. It was, and is, highly valued for its medicinal uses as a...
Samoa Cults

The Sailor Cults of Samoa

(Read Part 1 – Cannibal Jack Jones and the Beachcombers of Samoa ) In a development that was quite without parallel elsewhere, the Samoans in the 1830’s discovered a positive demand for a new...
Shipwreck of the Stirling Castle - Samoa

Cannibal Jack Jones and the Beachcombers of Samoa

One of the most intriguing developments on Samoa, in the early period of post-European contact, began with the arrival of beachcombers; sailors who were shipwrecked or who deserted their ships to...