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King Richard I portrait detail

Unmasking King Richard I: Does the Lionhearted King of England Have a Better Reputation Than He Deserves?

Cruel. Courageous. Scheming. Chivalrous. These are just some of the contradictory words that have been used to describe King Richard I, a ruler with a ‘Lion heart.’ But lions are not always majestic...
 mystery lead coffin

Inside mystery stone coffin at ancient monastery is… another mystery lead coffin

A couple of days ago we reported on plans to open up a mysterious stone coffin found at the ruins of Greyfriars church in Leicester, the site where King Richard III was discovered last September...
Stone Coffin found on Grey Friars

Archaeologists Set to Remove Lid from Stone Coffin found on Grey Friars

Archaeologists are preparing to remove the lid from a stone coffin that has remained intact over centuries in the ruins of Greyfriars, the monastery where King Richard III was buried. The occupant of...