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Main: An historical prosthetic hand (The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum). Inset: A scan of the prosthetic hand found in Freising (Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation).

Archaeologists Unearth a Medieval Skeleton with a Prosthetic Hand

In an extraordinary archaeological discovery in Freising, Germany, experts have unearthed a medieval skeleton equipped with an iron prosthetic hand. The burial, dated to the 15th century, offers...
A 3,000-year-old prosthetic big toe unearthed in Egypt. Source: Jacky Finch / University of Manchester

3,000-Year-Old Artificial Toe Reveals Ancient Origins of Prosthetics

Believe it or not, but the use of prosthetics is actually not a modern phenomenon. In fact, the creation of man-made devices to replace missing body parts was already in use several thousand years...
YouTube Screenshot from The Walking Dead Role Play Weapons by ThinkGeek

Like Something Out of The Walking Dead: Medieval Warrior Found with Knife Hand Prosthesis

In the American post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead , redneck hunter Merle Dixon fashions a knife attachment onto the stump where his hand used to be. While the storyline is...
False toe on mummy found near Luxor.

Severed Limbs and Wooden Feet: How the Ancients Invented Prosthetics

We are living through an incredibly exciting period for prosthetics. A pioneering brain computer interface that will allow veterans to control artificial body parts with their minds was recently...
A buckle and part of a strap were found with the metal pieces. Credit: Border Archaeology

Scientists Solve Mystery of Iron Strap and Buckle Unearthed in Medieval Cemetery

Archaeologists digging at Gloucester Cathedral, UK, have unearthed a strap for a medieval “false leg.” The metal pieces from the prosthesis band were discovered with a skeleton in the old lay...
Götz von Berlichingen.

16th Century Prosthetic Iron Hand: The Story of Gotz von Berlichingen

Gotz von Berlichingen was a German mercenary knight who lived during the 16 th century. This knight was known also as Götz of the Iron Hand, due to the fact that after his right hand was severed...
The prosthesis of the man with a fused knee, femur and tibia helped him walked, which would have been difficult for him otherwise.

Chinese Man with Fused Knee used a Prosthetic Leg with a Horse Hoof Tip 2,200 Years Ago

A man of modest means who lived in China 2,200 years ago had a deformed leg and compensated with a prosthesis with a horse hoof on the end of it. The discovery was made in a tomb in an ancient...
The knight’s left foot was amputated, as visible in this photo

Prosthesis found on Ancient Skeleton of Man whose Foot was likely Cut Off in Battle

A man whose foot was apparently amputated in battle during the sixth century AD had a prosthesis and may have used a crutch, says a team of researchers. An analysis of the man’s skeleton, exhumed...