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Pillars of Hercules

A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

In this article, aimed at identifying the real location of the mythical Pillars of Hercules, it is first verified that in the works of Plutarch and Plato there are correct references to a continent...
Chronos and his child by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, National Museum in Warsaw, (17th-century) (Public Domain)

Beyond The Pillars Of Hercules: Megalithic People Of Kronos Reaching America

Plutarch's (46-125 AD) narrative in De Facie quae in orbe lunae apparet about continental Greeks could be the last memory, miraculously surviving the millennia, of prehistoric settlements of people...
Foothills of Mount Taygetos - Lacedaemon

The ancient city of Lacedaemon – is it the legendary Atlantis? Part Two

(Read Part One) Turning to the second “point of agreement” about the location of Atlantis is the highly disputed location of the ‘Pillars of Hercules’. Many scholars identified the Pillars with the...
The ancient city of Lacedaemon

The ancient city of Lacedaemon – is it the legendary Atlantis?

The name Lacedaemon is derived from the verb, λαγχάνω (lachano), to assign somebody something by lot, and δαίμων (daemon), which means God in ancient Greek. Lacedaemon therefore denotes the divine...