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Woolly mammoth scene.	Source: Beth Zaiken/Stockholm University By Nathan Falde

Scientists Create Highly Detailed 3D Model of Extinct Woolly Mammoth DNA

A woolly mammoth that died in Siberia 52,000 years ago left behind an extraordinarily well-preserved body, which was freeze-dried almost instantly in the severe cold of a Siberian winter. In fact,...
Reconstruction of a hunter-gatherer associated with the Gravettian culture (32,000-24,000 years ago), inspired by the archaeological findings at the Arene Candide site (Italy). Source: Tom Bjoerklund/Nature

Ancient DNA Reveals Contrasting Fates of Hunter-Gatherer Groups in Europe

Ancient DNA gathered from the bones and teeth of hunter-gatherers who lived as the Last Glacial Maximum was waning, around 19,000-25,000 years ago, has revealed exciting new information about our...
Neanderthal DNA Recovered from Cave Dirt Using Breakthrough Technology

Neanderthal DNA Recovered from Cave Dirt Using Breakthrough Technology

Utilizing a new technique that allows for more precise analysis of ancient DNA, scientists have achieved a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of paleogenetics. For the first time, they’ve been...
Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Researchers have sequenced the oldest known DNA in the world. Using material from the Early and Middle Pleistocene sub-epochs, the ancient DNA analysis shatters the record for the world’s oldest...