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Pacific Islanders

The Prince Philip Movement: Pacific Tribe Mourns Loss of Living Deity

The Prince Philip Movement: Pacific Tribe Mourns Loss of Living Deity

The death of Prince Philip has brought sorrow to people throughout the United Kingdom. Surprisingly, those feelings of loss and sadness are even shared by people living on the opposite side of the...
Age of First Chief's Ancient Tomb Reveals Pacific Islanders Invented New Kind of Society

Age of First Chief's Ancient Tomb Reveals Pacific Islanders Invented New Kind of Society

New dating on the stone buildings of Nan Madol suggests the ancient coral reef capital in the Pacific Ocean was the earliest among the islands to be ruled by a single chief. The discovery makes Nan...
Main: A DNA molecule (C. Bock/Wikimedia Commons). Inset: Two Melanesian girls

Ancient Denisovan DNA discovered in modern Pacific Islanders

The archaic Denisovan and Neanderthal DNA that persists in modern individuals from the Pacific islands of Melanesia could be a source of new information about early human history, according to a...