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Just a few of the illegal historical artifacts recovered by the police in Poland recently. Source: Malopolska Police and KPP Wadowicach

Hundreds Of Illegal Historical Artifacts Recently Recovered By The Polish Police!

The looting of archaeological sites is a problem all around the world and it’s also a huge illegal business. Recently in Poland , authorities have recovered hundreds of stolen historical artifacts in...
Detail of illuminated art in the Sherborne Missal. Source: Public Domain

Sherborne Missal: 44-Pound Medieval Masterpiece Goes Digital

The British Library has digitized one of the most remarkable medieval books ever made in England. The Sherborne Missal contains many paintings on a vast array of subjects. Many of the images are...
Stonehenge will be empty for the summer solstice in 2020. Source: Stephen /Adobe Stock

The Summer Solstice at Stonehenge - A History-Making Livestream

In the northern hemisphere, when the summer solstice occurs around June 21, the North Pole is tilted about 23°27´ toward the Sun, which itself is traveling its longest path through the sky, and that...
A probable Iron Age or Roman enclosed settlement (red arrows) and associated field system (blue arrows) revealed by LiDAR data but hidden today beneath woodland.       Source: University of Exeter

Armchair Indiana Joneses Find Ancient Sites Using LiDAR During Lockdown

Volunteer archaeologists working from home are revealing hitherto uncharted prehistoric burial mounds, Roman roads and medieval farms, using LiDAR technology. An innovative project is underway...
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1,000-Year English Tradition Goes Online for First Time in History

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life around the world. It has also interfered with many historic traditions and ceremonies . A 1000-year-old swearing-in of a sheriff was not able to take...
A Council at Lanka, an episode from the Ramayana. Color and gold on paper.

Smithsonian releases massive digitized collection of Asian treasures for public use

The Smithsonian Institution has released more than 44,000 images of precious artworks and artifacts from two of their museums of Asian art, many of which have never been shown publicly before. The...