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The excavation site at Tell Edfu (with the temple of Horus and the modern town of Edfu in the background).

Archaeologists get a Glimpse of Everyday Life in an Ancient Egyptian Royal Outpost

Hieroglyphic sealings, mudbrick buildings, storage containers, and small pieces of copper provide archaeologists with a glimpse into life in a Nile Valley settlement during the Old Kingdom of ancient...
The most recent seal found at the excavation site near the Western Wall, Jerusalem.

Is this Seal More Evidence for the Biblical Account of Jerusalem?

Israeli archaeologists announced the discovery of a 2,700-year-old clay seal of “immense archaeological value” near the plaza of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, five years after the...
The monumental Egyptian statute of a high official from the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, found in the administrative palace at Hazor, north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

Monumental 4500-Year-Old Statue of an Egyptian Official Discovered at Tel Hazor

The monumental statue is a one of series of recent discoveries that proves that Hazor was one of the major cities in the region, heading a league of Canaanite city-states. A team of archaeologists...
Imperial office at the ruins of Daming Palace in China

Imperial Office of the Tang Dynasty discovered at the ruins of Daming Palace

Excavations at the ruins of Daming, the “Palace of Great Brilliance”, have unearthed ancient offices which are thought to have been responsible for issuing imperial edicts, official communications of...