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Geologists think Earth was once a water world.         Source: Credit: peangdao / Adobe Stock

Geologists Determine Early Earth Was a 'Water World'

The Earth of 3.2 billion years ago was a "water world" of submerged continents, geologists say after analyzing oxygen isotope data from ancient ocean crust that's now exposed on land in Australia...
Cave stalactites and stalagmites. Credit: Santi Rodríguez / Adobe Stock

Ancient Cave Crystals Reveal Sea Levels Were 50 Feet Higher in Warmer Climate

Scientist studying ancient crystals in a Spanish cave have discovered disconcerting evidence that shows just how high sea levels can rise in a warmer climate. 4.4 million years ago, one of your...
Wooden fragment discovered in Uunartoq, Greenland, in 1948, which is believed to be a sun-compass used to determine direction

New study reveals Vikings could navigate after dark using sun-compass and mythical sunstone

The Vikings have been reputed to be remarkable seafarers who would confidently head into unexplored waters. Now a team of researchers from Hungary and Sweden claim to have a clue as to how the Norse...