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An aerial view of what remains of Boleskine House, owned by occultist Aleister Crowley from 1899 to 1913, which is the subject of a new film by Scottish filmmaker Ashley Cowie.		Source: Ashley Cowie /

New Film Shatters 'Fake News' of Occultist Aleister Crowley’s Scottish Boleskine House

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A filmmaker from the north of Scotland has vowed to dissolve decades of “fake news” surrounding a famous Boleskine House Jacobite era hunting lodge, and center of Aleister Crowley’s “magical operation” for 14 years on the banks of Loch Ness, Scotland.

Perhaps best known as the former home of the infamous English occultist, author and artist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), Boleskine House has become “iron-clad in pop-cultural myths.”

A new documentary film, Beast of Loch Ness, promises to strip back the “pop-cultural moss” that surrounds Boleskine House, which was previously owned not only by Crowley (1899-1913), but also by Led Zeppelin musician Jimmy Page from 1970 to 1992.

This is what Boleskine House, where Aleister Crowley lived off and on from 1899 to 1913, looked like before it burned down twice in the last decade! (Aleister Crowley / Public domain)

This is what Boleskine House, where Aleister Crowley lived off and on from 1899 to 1913, looked like before it burned down twice in the last decade! (Aleister Crowley / Public domain)

Boleskine House: Decapitated Heads Going Bump In The Night

Boleskine House is situated 21 miles (34 km) south of Inverness, halfway between the villages of Foyers and Inverfarigaig, in the highlands of Scotland. The house was constructed as a hunting lodge in the 1760s by Colonel Archibald Fraser (16 August 1736 – 8 December 1815) who was British consul at Tripoli and Algiers, and later colonel of the 1st Inverness local militia.

Layers of mystery and intrigue surround the house beginning with a legend that the house stands on the site of a 13th-century kirk (an old word for church) that caught fire burning all inside. Furthermore, the decapitated head of Jacobite rebel Simon Fraser 11th Lord Lovat, known as “ The Fox,” has been reported rolling throughout the Boleskine House halls at night. However, reaching beyond these myths the new Boleskine House and Loch Ness film will feature the restoration team who have recently restored the Highland building after two fires in 2015 and 2019 razed it to the ground.

Celebrated occult figure Aleister Crowley in 1925. (Aleister Crowley / Public domain)

Celebrated occult figure Aleister Crowley in 1925. (Aleister Crowley / Public domain)

The Beast Of Loch Ness

In 1899, Crowley, by then the self-styled “ Mega Therion” (Great Beast), bought the house in which he planned to perform a curious magical operation called the “ Abra-Melin.” This 18-month esoteric discourse, which requires the practicing magician to adhere to strict diets and meditational programs, was written in the 14th century The Book of Abramelin. This deeply-occultic work tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abraham, or “Abra-Melin,” teaching a system of magic to Abraham ben Simon, a Jew who lived in Worms in modern-day Germany between 1362 and 1458 AD.

The 18-month magical working was specifically designed to bring the operator into contact with his “Holy Guardian Angel” and other angels who all gave the magician different powers, including healing, prophecy and the ability to locate hidden treasures. However, these rewards come only after the operator summons and binds a dark host of malevolent spirits.

Famously, Crowley was called to attend urgent Golden Dawn matters in Paris and left the ritual incomplete after six months. Having altered Boleskine House’s architecture to create conceptual portals, through which the spirits would flow, many folk believe that when he abandoned the site a curse was bestowed upon the house. Some go so far as to claim sightings of “the other” Loch Ness monster increased at this time.

The war church burial ground that is said to be connected by tunnel to the basement of Boleskine House, which the latest film will also attempt to find. (Des Colhoun / Cemetery by Easter Boleskine overlooking Loch Ness)

The war church burial ground that is said to be connected by tunnel to the basement of Boleskine House, which the latest film will also attempt to find. (Des Colhoun / Cemetery by Easter Boleskine overlooking Loch Ness)

Separating History From Mythology

The Scottish filmmaker told John O Groat Journal that he is “determined to separate the so-called Great Beast” from the legacy of Boleskine House. To realize this, he is bringing together a dynamic team of academics, writers, authors, and podcasters to explore the newly renovated house. The team will also search for a mysterious tunnel supposedly linking the house to the nearby war grave burial ground.

The storyteller will also highlight the intensive restoration efforts of The Boleskine House Foundation who have recently saved this historic building from ruin following two devastating fires in 2015 and 2019, in which the Category B-listed building was almost completely destroyed.

Scottish filmmaker Ashley Cowie is making a new film about Boleskine House that will strip away the “pop-cultural moss” (AshleyCowieDotCom)

Scottish filmmaker Ashley Cowie is making a new film about Boleskine House that will strip away the “pop-cultural moss” (AshleyCowieDotCom)

A Filmmaker Who Also Writes On Topics For Ancient Origins

Before I sign off this article, I should perhaps say that the aforementioned Scottish filmmaker is myself, Ashley Cowie. To get this story “out there” I’ve teamed up with Aberdeen-based independent television production company B4Films, who create factual and entertainment programming for broadcasters all over the world, and The Boleskine House Foundation, a registered Scottish charity that aims to restore and preserve the historical legacy and heritage of the Boleskine estate.

Plans are also underway with the Ancient Origins team about offering advanced notice of this film to Premium Members, so be sure to sign up now ahead of time. If you would like to know more about the new film “Beast of Loch Ness” please visit and to learn all about Boleskine House visit

Top image: An aerial view of what remains of Boleskine House, owned by occultist Aleister Crowley from 1899 to 1913, which is the subject of a new film by Scottish filmmaker Ashley Cowie. Source: Ashley Cowie /

By Ashley Cowie



Duchovny's picture

Interesting article.  Has Jimmy Page been asked to contribute to the restoration?  Such as photographs showing the interior or other building details?

Jamie R

Just as ghillie suit hides one in plain sight, there are various degrees of Occultism which hide deeper meanings. The Occult gains acceptability in the form of art, art which worships human sacrifice, art which acts as propaganda and art which normalises matters which should never be normal. All this is done in the name of tolerance. The modern goal of encouraging tolerance by virtue-signalling has largely been the tolerance of the intolerable.

'Chan eil cleith air an olc, ach gun a' dheanamh' is an old Highland saying, meaning one cannot conceal evil except by not doing it. Those deep into the Occult have somewhat flipped that on its head and many watch and applaud while they do it.

Occultism is directly linked to politics, they developed together. They drain human energy for power. The more blood and emotion the more energy produced the better.  It’s all about feeding the beast.  But I think the beast died and now they are desperately stuffing us down its gullet hoping they can bring it back. It’s too late, it’s rotting and the whole stupid thing is collapsing. 

That being said, I am really looking forward to this.  I know Mr. Cowie has done actual research on occultism, I think he even had a youtube series years ago. I am hoping it has more depth than this sort of thing usually inspires.

There are a couple of typographical mistakes in that comment (I have had trouble editing comments in the past, so won't bother trying here). But I will say that those who ignore what is truly going on are making an unforgivable mistake. I was in the Australian Labor Party late past century when Australia signed up, like the UK, to mass depopulation by 2030. Since that time every one of us has been exposed to constant scientific propaganda to reinforce the necessity of that. Yet people believe the real is fake and the fake is real.

Lately, Occultism has bern in the news somewhat. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation accidentally broadcast part of a black mass. I am accidentally writing to Mr Cowie in the hope that he understands the full extent of Occultism in society.

Some Occultists think one may be a devotee of Lucifer, the shining one, or Satan or Baal or whoever one wants to call him, and an Atheist. That's like being a Christian without Jesus. The Nazi SS were seriously into the occult. Modern Nazis also are occultists, holed up in a non-German European country 1940s Nazis were heavily involved in. We are supposed to stand by that country, a country known by the UN to be a hotbed of child trafficking. The ABC won't tell us that. Nor will the BBC. That is more than they could bear.

In Satanism, deceit is prayer and child sacrifice is communion. People believe the deceit and turn away from shining a light on these practices. Some professions are full of deceit and Satanism. Some religions and organisations were hijacked for the purposes of hiding Satanism. Some families with high-level links to religions other than Satanism are Satanists. After all, deceit is prayer. Sometimes, they will even tell the truth knowing that it won't be believed. That is another form or deception or more prayer.

Atheists and Theists of the non-Satanic kind should be bothered by this. One does not need to believe that Satan exists to stand against Satanism. The evidence is all around us, but the masses prefer to live in blissful ignorance. But ignorance can not bring true bliss when Nazis rule, Nazis who poke the bear and cause atrocities, then blame it all on others.

Those who do not understand why I write cryptically here, do not understand the laws of the country from which I write and the history of state named after a monarch who was a devotee of the occult linked to a castle in Scotland. Links, links, links. The World is full of links and those who refuse to see them shall end up in chains, as will those who do see them but cannot destroy those chains by themselves.

My forbears link me to the people of the cat, just as Mr Cowie is linked. Understanding can link me to the people of the bear of late. Seek the truth and ye shall find answers. Don't believe me. Do your own research and do it well. I'm no Q con believer. I am an old-time leftist who is no doubt regarded now as a far right extremist for hating Nazis. That makes me a real anti-Fascist in a World where fake anti-Fascism is all the rage. Deceit is prayer. Evil is good. When the old--time leftist, Eric Arthur Blair, sat down on the Isle of Jura and wrote his famous novel under the pen name of George Orwell, did he know that he was writing an instruction manual for the following century?

ashley cowie's picture


Ashley is a Scottish historian, author, and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems in accessible and exciting ways.

He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of... Read More

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