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mitochondrial DNA

Ancient horse populations crossed over the Bering Land Bridge in both directions between North America and Asia multiple times during the Pleistocene.

Revealing Study Tracks DNA of Horse Populations Across the Land Bridge

The genetic connections between ancient horse populations living on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean were more extensive than previously believed, new research has revealed. Past theories had...
Neanderthal DNA Recovered from Cave Dirt Using Breakthrough Technology

Neanderthal DNA Recovered from Cave Dirt Using Breakthrough Technology

Utilizing a new technique that allows for more precise analysis of ancient DNA, scientists have achieved a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of paleogenetics. For the first time, they’ve been...
10,000-Year-Old Dog Bone Supports Theory of Coastal Route to the Americas

10,000-Year-Old Dog Bone Supports Theory of Coastal Route to the Americas

Researchers have found the oldest known dog remains in the Americas and they believe the ancient dog bone fragment reveals how the canine and its brethren likely reached that part of the world. How...
Skeleton of a prehistoric cave bear. Source: Fizped / CC BY-SA 3.0

Humans A Major Factor In the Extinction of Giant Cave Bears

Until 25,000 years ago, Europe was home to some of the largest mammals, that ever lived. One of the most remarkable of the megafauna was the gigantic cave bear. Why these massive animals and other...
Reproduction of Homo neanderthalensis. Museum of Human Evolution (MEH), Burgos, Spain.

Confirmed: The Hominins Found at Atapuerca are the Earliest Genetic Evidence of Neanderthals to Date

After decades of study and many assumptions, the analysis of nuclear DNA has finally confirmed the evolutionary lineage of the inhabitants of the Sierra de Atapuerca in Spain. For some time,...