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Middle Paleolithic

Neanderthal Child’s Tooth Found in Palestinian Cave Tells A Tale of Africa

Neanderthal Child’s Tooth Found in Palestinian Cave Tells A Tale of Africa

A team of archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute recently reexamined a set of artifacts recovered from the Shuqba Cave, which included a Neanderthal child’s tooth. It is the first evidence that...
Close-up of modern flax cordage showing twisted fiber construction. (S. Deryck) and a modern representation of a Neanderthal

Crafty Neanderthals Made String, More Evidence for Their Intelligence

Sometime between 41,000–52,000 years ago an innovative person took some fibers, twisted them together, and put them with a thin stone tool. Their creation may have been a handle, net, or bag for the...
Engraving found in Crimean cave on flint flake from Kiik-Koba layer IV.

Engraved Crimean Stone Artifact May Demonstrate Neanderthal Symbolism

A flint flake from the Middle Paleolithic of Crimea was likely engraved symbolically by a skilled Neanderthal hand, according to a study published May 2, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by...
Interior view of the cave and excavation trench as of the end of the 2012 field season.

Neanderthals Survived at least 3,000 Years Longer in Spain Than We Thought

Neanderthals survived at least 3,000 years longer than we thought in Southern Iberia -- what is now Spain - long after they had died out everywhere else, according to new research published in...