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life expectancy

Detail of “An Old Woman Spinning” (1646-1648) by Michiel Sweerts.

New Study Answers the Question - Did Medieval People Reach Old Age?

An Australian archaeologist has decided to take a different approach to looking at the lives of past society. Instead of focusing on the rich, young, and beautiful (all popular groups by today’s...
Earliest known breast cancer identified in ancient Egyptian skeleton

Earliest known breast cancer identified in ancient Egyptian skeleton

A 4,200-year-old skeleton that shows signs of deterioration from cancer is the earliest known case of breast cancer, according to the Spanish anthropologists who uncovered her remains in a necropolis...
Life Expectancy Myths

The life expectancy myth, and why many ancient humans lived long healthy lives

It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient...