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last glacial maximum

Early Siberian Explorers Crossed The Bering Sea With Canine Companions

Early Siberian Explorers Crossed The Bering Sea With Canine Companions

For decades, archaeologists generally agreed that the first humans in the Americas were the Clovis people, who were believed to have left northern Asia and reached the Alaska region about 13,000...
Exposed shell midden on the Pike River cliff line near the Riverland region Aborigines’ project site.      Source: Flinders University

Study Shows Riverland Region Aborigines Were Thriving 29000 Years Ago

Researchers have established that Riverland region Aborigines lived in South Australia much earlier than previously thought. They determined that Riverland region Aborigines lived in the area an...
Australian Aboriginals and Ice Age

How Aboriginal Australians Survived the Last Ice Age

A new study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science has investigated how Aboriginal Australians managed to survive during the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago in which they would have had to...