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Should Adults Really Be Drinking Milk? Studying Neolithic Ancestors Suggests Not

Should Adults Really Be Drinking Milk? Studying Neolithic Ancestors Suggests Not

Is drinking cow’s milk healthy for humans? Many remember the rush to get to the head of the line for milk at morning recess in elementary school and TV ads showing healthy kids running around the...
Digesting Milk in Ethiopia

Should Humans Drink Cow’s Milk? Part 2 - Digesting Milk in Ethiopia

Yesterday we reported on a new study of our ancient Neolithic ancestors who first began the practice of dairy-related animal husbandry and discussed the implications this may have with regards to the...
Ancient drawing with Cows and Milk

Should Adult Humans Drink Milk? Study of Neolithic Farmers May Have the Answer

Many would remember the days when a milk trolley would be rolled out during morning recess at school and all the children would come running for their daily glass of milk, or the TV images of...