Although only one leather bag of gold coins has ever been recovered, no other treasure in Scottish history has inspired such controversy as the lost Jacobite Gold. The story begins in 1745 when...
Just last year, the Irish Mirror reported that excavations to find the skeletal remains of 17th century deceased Earl and revolutionary Irish war hero, Patrick Sarsfield, had begun in Belgium . They...
There have been countless significant battles throughout history. Some of them have become infamous – from the Battle of Passchendaele during WWI to the Battle of Hastings in 1066, but the majority...
On the 16th April 1746, the Battle of Culloden was Charles Edward Stuart's final stand in his Jacobite uprising of 1745. Pitted against British government forces led by William Augustus, Duke of...
Scotland is famous for, amongst other things, tartan, the breathtaking highlands, its national animal, the unicorn , and of course the beautiful landmarks. Perhaps the best known of the ancient sites...
In the near modern history of Ireland and Scotland , the Jacobite risings played a very important role. In a never-ending struggle for wealth and power, noble monarchs pitted the poor folk of these...
Eilean Donan is a small tidal island in the western Highlands of Scotland, on which a world-famous castle can be found. This castle, known as the Eilean Donan Castle, is one of Scotland’s most easily...