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St Cuthbert Gospel. Credit: The British Library

St Cuthbert Gospel: Talismanic Medieval Holy Book Used to Ward off Evil Forces Publicly Revealed

It’s probably safe for me to assume that because you’re reading this article, you are most probably something of a book worm and possibly even a history buff. If so, you need to get to the British...
The body of Maria Adelaide.

The Minor Miracles of Maria Adelaide, Folk-Saint of Brides

Maria Adelaide was a Portuguese woman who lived and died during the 19th century. Although not officially recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, she is popularly considered to be one by the...
Padre Padilla, the Incorruptible: Body of Murdered Friar Remains Perfectly Preserved After Centuries

Padre Padilla, the Incorruptible: Body of Murdered Friar Remains Perfectly Preserved After Centuries

According to the Roman Catholic tradition, the corpses of certain venerable people never decompose or decay. They are “incorruptible”. It is believed that certain individuals and objects can escape...