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This is the rare 3,300-year-old Hittite bracelet that a Turkish farmer found in his field, which he turned in to the proper authorities.		Source: Anadolu Agency

Farmer Finds 3,300-year-old Rare Hittite Bracelet in Field in Turkey!

While plowing his field, a farmer in Turkey’s central Çorum province came across something highly unusual. The plow of the farmer, from Çitli village in the Mecitözü district, had struck a bracelet...
Aerial view of the Kemune Palace from the west. The imposing palace would have once stood just 20 meters from the Tigris River. Source: University of Tübingen eScience Cente / Kurdistan Archaeology.

3,400-Year-Old Palace From a Mysterious Civilization Revealed by Drought

Archaeologists are hailing, as very important, the dramatic discovery of a Bronze Age Palace . It was revealed as the waters of a reservoir fell because of a severe drought in Iraq. The ruin is...
Illustration of an ancient city in Mesopotamia.

Hoard of Ancient Tablets Found in Iraq Reveal Location of Lost Royal City of Mardama

In an exciting discovery, archaeologists have found the location of the lost royal city of Mardama. The ancient Hurrian city had laid buried for millennia until archaeologists unearthed the remains...
Hittites' Artefacts

Archaeologists Find Proof that early Hittites entered Europe

Archaeological discoveries in suburban Istanbul , Turkey, could rewrite the history books as new research has shown that the early Hittites ventured into Europe, while previously it was believed that...