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Scholarly tools from left: quills, styluses and book clasps.

Tools of Medieval Wisdom Unearthed Beneath England’s Ancient Academic Hub

Archaeologists in England have unearthed in excess of 10,000 medieval artifacts in central Oxford and every single one of them is providing a clearer picture of day to day life at Oxford University,...
Medieval leather shoes found at the Westgate site, Oxford, England

Over 100 Rare Leather and Wooden Artifacts Found in Oxford Dig

Archaeologists excavating in Oxford have found a stockpile of wonderfully preserved medieval leather and wooden artifacts, which is as good as gold in their eyes. They expect to uncover many more...
Greyfriars’ Coffin

A Twist in the Tale of the Greyfriars’ Coffin

Back in July we reported on a mysterious stone coffin found at the ruins of the 12 th century Greyfriars church in Leicester, England, the site where King Richard III was discovered last year...
 mystery lead coffin

Inside mystery stone coffin at ancient monastery is… another mystery lead coffin

A couple of days ago we reported on plans to open up a mysterious stone coffin found at the ruins of Greyfriars church in Leicester, the site where King Richard III was discovered last September...