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The 1,800-year-old face of Apollo uncovered at Philippi. Source: Greek Reporter / Ministry of Culture.

1,800 Year Old Marble Head of Apollo Unearthed in Ancient Philippi

A new find amidst the ruins of the historic city of Philippi: a rare head of Apollo, carved in marble and crowned by a wreath of leaves, has been unearthed. dated to the 2nd or early 3rd century AD,...
The restored fountain at the Kibrya archaeological site in Turkey.      Source: Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

City of Gladiators Earthquake Shattered Fountain Flows After 2,000 Years

An ancient fountain that was destroyed in a 23 BC earthquake has been restored in Turkey's “City of Gladiators.' Now, the two millennia old water font is streaming drinkable water again, just as it...
Till Eulenspiegel fountain in Mölln

Till Eulenspiegel: The Crude Pranks and Hilarious Hi-jinks of a 14th Century German Fool

Till Eulenspiegel is a notable character from German folklore and the protagonist in a number of folktales. Most recognized for his trickery, it may surprise people to know that Till Eulenspiegel...
Oceanides, Gustave Dore (1860-1869).

The Secret of Long Life? It’s All in the Water: Sacred Springs & Holy Wells

The belief in sacred springs and holy waters goes far back into the earliest religious myths of humankind, and is ubiquitous across every continent. An ancient primordial connection between water and...
Ancient Israel Fountain

Archaeologists unearth 10th century estate and fountain with plumbing still intact

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed an estate outside the district of Old Ramla, complete with a decorative fountain and a plumbing system which was found in tact and almost complete. It is the...