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The stories of the first faith:Zoroastrianism

The tales of the first faith.

Zoroastrianism /ˌzɒroʊˈæstriənɪzəm/, /-ˌzɔr/, also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient semi-dualistic monotheist religion of Greater Iran. Much like the Roman religion for Rome, it was adopted in differing forms as the generally inclusive overarching state religion[1] of the Achaemenid Empire and subsequent Parthian and Sasanian empires, lending it immense prestige in ancient times. As a result, some of its leading characteristics were inherited by later religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity and Islam.[2] It was gradually marginalized by Islam from the 7th century onwards with the decline of the Sassanid Empire.[3] Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 2.6 million.[4]

The religious philosophy of Zoroaster divided the early Iranian gods.[5] The most important texts of the religion are those of theAvesta.[6] In Zoroastrianism, the multifacted creator Ahura Mazda, through the Spenta Mainyu (Good Spirit)[7] is an all-good "father" of Asha (Truth, “order, justice,")[8][9] in opposition to Druj (“falsehood, deceit”)[10][11] and no evil originates from it.[12] He and his works are evident to humanity through the six primary Amesha Spentas[13] and the host of other Yazatas, through whom worship of Mazda is ultimately directed. The forces of Spenta Mainyu adjoined unto "truth"[14] oppose the Spirit's opposite,[15][16]Angra Mainyu and it's forces born of Akəm Manah (“evil thinking”).[17] Zoroastrianism has no major theological divisions, but it is not uniform. Modern-era influences have a significant impact on individual and local beliefs, practices, values and vocabulary, sometimes merging with tradition and in other cases displacing it.[18]