Let the hunt begin!
Every once in a while a person comes upon an image so profound that it is implanted in their memory for life. This happend to me and this is the story about the Phallus I cant get off my mind.
I am a student of Egyptology and facinated by all things ancient. One of my more studied aspects of ancient Egyptians has to do with the reading and transliteration of hieroglyphs, and variations in styles of art. The phallus is a common Egyptian hieroglyph, which acts as a logogram and has a slight variation of meanings according to its determitive. The phallus glyph is always an errect penis complete with testicles. When dealing with ideas of fertility, reproduction and the sort, the tip of the phallus has circular droplets or a line desending from it. I have noticed a varience of between 3 and 5 droplets depicted in various glyphs, i do not know the signifance or if there is one in the in the number varience.
The phallus i am looking for is not like the ones i have described. Instead of droplets or a line coming from the tip, there is a sinuous line, coil like, or the image i cant get out of my head, a helix...the structure of DNA...coming out of the tip of a penis!
Long story short, I have only seen this Glyph twice, once from a picture i cant seem to locate, and the second time in a documentary called "Sex in the Ancient world - Egypt"
Here is a link but there are many copies of it on youtube.
The Phallus in question is shown briefly in the introduction at 1:02 and starting at 16:25 is the scene that shows a better view of the section of wall the phallus is on.
So far this documentary is the only scource i can find, but it doesnt give details to the exact location of this particualr relief. Prior to the starting at 16:25, the narorator is talking about temples in Abydos. There are many temples in Abydos, and i have looked through countless wall reliefs but still am unable to find the physical location of this phallus.
So after around 8 hours of looking for this phallus, a game i started to call, " Where's Wall dildo," i figured it would be a good idea to invite others to help me find this mystical Phallus. What a grand journey it shall be!
Any information reguarding this phallus is extreemly appriciated! Also, am i the only one who sees this DNA Helix shape as significant? Is it coincidence that the same structure as the human genome is comming out of the tip of a phallus in ancient Egypt?
I've never seen this phallus before, but the idea of maybe some DNA strands coming from the tip is pretty interesting. I'm going to watch that Sex in the Ancient World. Sounds pretty fascinating. Good luck on your search.
Peace and Love,
That is not a DNA helix, just a staggered double row of semen dropletts. The artist wanted to show verility and power through a copious amount, I believe. The Hermes twin snakes wrapped around the pole is a better candidate for DNA depiction, check it out.
I'm sorry I can't help you with your quest, but I wanted to say thanks for the link, interesting documentary!
The Hermes twin snakes represents the kundahlini energy flow spoken of in ancient Vedic culture. If you research the kundahlini and the chakras, you will find pictures of it spinning thru every chakra in the form of a double helix. This is why they drew the double helix coming out of the penis, the kundahlini runs thru the entire body, thru the center, the core, thru the top of the head and out of your root chakra ... This energy is the primordil creational force behind every living experience ... you can read lots more about the kundahlini than I care to type in lots of other websites :) You might also have fun researching and finding out about kundahlini awakenings! namaste!
love love love
this is fascinating! thank you for sharing and good luck on your quest!
love, light and blessings
I collect and study paleolithic European art/artifacts and am amazed that over 400 Venus figurines are known from the Russian steppe to southern Europe, but none are male and no phalluses. However, all the soft stone figurines are cave finds and many made from stalagmites, which, by the way, resemble phalluses. Why reinvent the obvious?