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has anyone talked about this before? bird-head man drawing on Easter island


it’s my first time posting here. I know the connection between Gobekli tepe and Easter island has been discussed by many, but the discussion was mainly focused on Moai and the stone pillars. I am not sure if anyone has talked about the below artifact or not: 

I found this picture from an Encyclopedia, according to which, this artifact was found on Easter island and depicts the creation myth of mankind, which is the first human being was created from a bird egg. I just found its great similarity with the stone carving in Gobekli tepe. i think this can provide a clue that can help us understand Gobekli tepe more. 

Yeah...About that...

I’m a guy who cross researches things like this looking for links and even study the extinct assumed reconstruction of languages. Unfortunately there really isn’t a link here, it’s not uncommon to see a bird wind up on a rock in some old civilizations.  The sources weren’t the same unless the belief was actually believed AND is about a hundred thousand years old, even on Easter Island it seems the Birdman cult actually replaced the reverence of the ancestral Maoi. This means they actually believed something else originally anyway but came up with a chief bird man idea, one tradition was a yearly game to be the first to geta certain kind of egg. But the Easter Islanders had no known system of writing that survived, just a later rendition called RongoRongo decidedly created by the later explorers. Also, the latter picture found at Gobleki Tepe has zero linguistic context connected to it, so it appears to be a creation myth involving a bird cult but it could just as easily be an artist depiction of a family portrayed as birds and the father/mother is giving their baby bird the world or just watching his baby egg grow up. This profound idea was carved in stone for the all generations to come to see and likewise idealize. The world today can be terrible, back then it was even moreso unexpected, unprepared, and unpredictable. This to me is a message and not really even a myth. And there being no related writing except assumptions of portraying creationism by a bird exist. But birds do wind up in myths, these appear to be vultures, and maybe they in itself was another message. But then again, I’m no art critic or history major, but the lack of writing yields to being a work of art and not necessarily a globalized common religious belief. Easter Islanders farmed yams, originating from South America and not Gobleki Tepe, they were thought to have come from neighboring islands or South America roughly 1200 AD. It’s fun to piece and tie together similarities in history and religions but these were the facts. But nobody knows about this drawing being a depiction of the creator bird man god laying a man. It looks more to me like a characature of a bird grabbing an egg with a human-like arm, sort of like a joke but more like a random drawing, nothing to be excited about at that depth