‘Ancient Alien Expeditionaries’ Reality Check
To begin, I am a realist; presenting a realistic theory of plausible explanations of alien contact an influence in one section of Earth known as Mesopotamia prior to and during the ‘Great Flood’ and impact of both in the aftermath.
Why… in any discussion about the possibilities of an ancient alien presence; does the narrative almost immediately go to the extreme? Reality seems not to enter the minds of most… even the ‘experts’ Having participated in ‘Expeditionary’ forces… there is a clear mission intention beforehand. It’s not ‘accidental’, it’s planned. Of primary importance to obtaining the objective is logistics. Once ‘there’… how do you remain? Any expeditionary unit is going to have a finite amount of initial material resources such as fuel, food, equipment, parts, weapons, transport, etc. No matter what the mission… that may not easily be accomplished. The old adage of: ‘It’s difficult to remind yourself that the objective was to drain the swamp, when you’re up to your ass in alligators!’ applies. Any extended expedition is going to rely heavily on extent food and materials to maintain a presence. As for the dynamic of the environment in which you intend to ‘do whatever’: ‘Adapt, Improvise, Overcome’ holds true. This includes interaction with the ‘locals’ and extent natural threats of all types.
There’s also this peculiar paranoia that these ‘aliens’ were up to no good. SciFi fictional influence on this subject is overwhelming. The Sumerian account of the ‘Annunaki’ (or whoever they were) was already ancient by the time the Sumerians invented (or re-invented) writing. We only know this from what has been found that survived. Their graphic depictions reflect the ‘royal dress’ of Sumerian times, not the actual appearance of the aliens. The addition of ‘wings’ to the carvings merely differentiates ‘them’ from the others with a graphic reminder that they could ‘fly’ or came from the sky. Even into the middle ages, most people were illiterate. ‘Pictures’ however, are readily understood by most.
These ‘visitors’ arrived Post Stone-Age’ in the Meso-Neolithic period approx.. 12,000 years ago (or, 10,000 BCE). The devil is in the details and here’s a few: ‘String’ had been invented by twisting plant fiber together as long as 30,000 years ago… but weaving not until 12,000 years ago. Coincidence? Humans had long been tribal hunter-gatherers until appox 12,000 years ago. Then came ‘collective’ living. The origins of cities. (Governance, order and law) Animals once hunted piecemeal were captured, domesticated thru selective breeding (Animal husbandry) and ‘raised’. Wild grasses and edible plants were now cultivated in plots (Agriculture). People could turn their attention to things other than the previous daily struggle against starvation. More coincidence?
Then we have ‘Bread’: ‘Cereals and bread became a staple food during the Neolithic, around 10,000 years ago, when wheat and barley were among the first plants to be domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. The importance of bread in the formation of early human societies cannot be overstated. From the western half of Asia, where wheat was domesticated, cultivation spread north and west, to Europe and North Africa, and enabled humans to become farmers rather than hunters and foragers. This in turn led to the formation of towns, as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle, and gave rise to more and more sophisticated forms of societal organization.’
Western half of Asia? (Black Sea region/Mesopotamia) again, 10,000 years… approximately. More coincidence? Not that it happened all at once and not that everyone joined in. But… life was apparently good for those who did (comparatively). Now… if you’re on an extended expedition, it makes sense to utilize local resources and extent materials to remain. Even ‘aliens’ ‘gotta eat. It just makes sense to utilize the population (however primitive) to accomplish certain menial tasks you don’t have the manpower (technical talent) to waste doing. Teach the locals… and identify/use what you’ve got. Slavery? Maybe? Serfdom, most likely. But, a protective arrangement that made life better rather quickly.
Any technology would appear magical and ‘god-like’ to primitives. When I was in ‘Nam, USAID distributed gas powered rice threshing machines to the villages and instructed the local on their use. All well and good ‘til they ran out of gas. Then they were carefully ‘parked’ and it was back to the threshing baskets. Why? ‘Threshing machine god was tired and quit.’ (Anamism is still practiced in many parts of the world.) An RVN sailor let a damaged PBR sink at the pier in Binh Thuy on the Bassac River when the bilge pump quit for the same reason. This kid had been to school on mechanical pump operations and electricity… I can only imagine the dynamic was similar 10-12,000 years prior.
Aliens… ‘Fallen Angels’ etc., boinking human females. It’s what sailors/explorers do. That offspring were produced indicates the aliens were genetically human and most likely superior to normal human offspring of the time.
Why were the Aliens here? We can only speculate motive:
1. Scientific exploration and survey.
2. Advance extent civilization(s).
3. Collect specimens.
4. Advanced base for military operations.
Why did they leave?
1. Mission accomplished.
2. Mission cancelled/abandoned.
3. Natural disaster, Mission aborted.
12,000-13,000 years ago when the Younger Dryas impact extinction event (North America) wiped out much of the mega-fauna and possibly the Clovis culture. (‘The Younger Dryas impact event is a contested hypothesis that an air burst from a purported comet above or even into the Laurentide Ice Sheet north of the Great Lakes set all of the North American continent ablaze around 12,900 years ago.) The point of impact was near what is now Des Plains IL. This is contested, but nano-diamonds created from the blast are much in evidence. The old theory that the mega-fauna were hunted to extinction by the Clovis people is patently ridiculous. ‘Among the main causes hypothesized by paleontologists are natural climate change and overkill by humans, who appeared during the Middle Pleistocene and migrated to many regions of the world during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. A comet impact (on a glacier) would effect immediate climate change… after the blast.
Was this the event that attracted the attention of the ‘aliens’? Or, were they already here?
Any interplanetary expedition would be a major undertaking, no matter how advanced the civilization. Craft would have to be designed and constructed for such a mission, which means that the culture would have the advanced engineering/manufacturing skills and facilities to do it. We can speculate about worm-holes and star-gates and other such possibilities, but to make declarative statements as to the reality of such a dynamic is in the realm of whack-a-doodle fantasy.
Whatever the case, these inter-planetary explorers originated from a culture that evolved far in advance of Earth. That culture may have had a different evolutionary experience in that mammalians were not hindered by the overwhelming dominant presence of huge saurians for millions of years. Had it not been for the K-T mass extinction event in the Yucatan, it’s quite possible that ‘dinosaurs’ would have remained the predominate terrestrial life on this planet. The dynamic of weather/terrain on the alien home planet may be even more hospitable to life than Earth, allowing rapid development of intelligent species. Whatever the case, such people would have a developmental/cultural history we can only begin to imagine. Perhaps they evolved devoid of superstitions originating in fear of the unknown? Perhaps, there was only a single race of people who evolved simultaneously; unlike Earth where isolated Stone-Age cultures met head on with the Early Modern period a mere 500 years ago, continuing in some cases into the Machine Age of the 19th-20th centuries. There is no realistic, rational reason why these beings would be other than genetically ‘human’.
It’s no great stretch for the local human populace to view these alien visitors as ‘Gods’, nor would it be a stretch for the aliens to want them to think otherwise. Fearful, superstitious people are submissive and easier to control. So… we have this relatively happy, burgeoning civilization going about their daily lives in dependent security. Meanwhile, they are kept pretty much oblivious to the continuation of the alien mission, which probably was not contained to that single region. What that mission actually was, is lost to human history.
Then comes the unthinkable. ‘The Great Flood’: ‘In 1997, William Ryan and Walter Pitman published evidence that a massive flooding of the Black Sea occurred about 5600 BC through the Bosphorus. Before that date, glacial meltwater had turned the Black and Caspian Seas into vast freshwater lakes draining into the Aegean Sea. As glaciers retreated, some of the rivers emptying into the Black Sea declined in volume and changed course to drain into the North Sea. The levels of the lakes dropped through evaporation, while changes in worldwide hydrology caused overall sea level to rise. The rising Mediterranean finally spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosporus. The event flooded 155,000 km2 (60,000 sq mi) of land and significantly expanded the Black Sea shoreline to the north and west. According to the researchers, "40 km3 (10 cu mi) of water poured through each day, two hundred times the flow of the Niagara Falls... The Bosporus flume roared and surged at full spate for at least three hundred days.’ Other accounts date the flood to ‘In 1997, William Ryan and Walter Pitman published evidence that a massive flooding of the Black Sea occurred about 5600 BC through the Bosphorus. Before that date, glacial meltwater had turned the Black and Caspian Seas into vast freshwater lakes draining into the Aegean Sea. As glaciers retreated, some of the rivers emptying into the Black Sea declined in volume and changed course to drain into the North Sea. The levels of the lakes dropped through evaporation, while changes in worldwide hydrology caused overall sea level to rise. The rising Mediterranean finally spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosporus. The event flooded 155,000 km2 (60,000 sq mi) of land and significantly expanded the Black Sea shoreline to the north and west. According to the researchers, "40 km3 (10 cu mi) of water poured through each day, two hundred times the flow of the Niagara Falls... The Bosporus flume roared and surged at full spate for at least three hundred days.’ ‘Columbia University marine geologists Walter Pitman and William Ryan claim that the flood was sudden and took place about 7,150 years ago. The scientists’ conclusions reinvigorated the Noah flood debate.’ Accuracy of the event seems to vary a few hundred years +/- but not enough to argue the point.
The end of ‘Eden’? 5,000+ years of relative progress, comfort and civilization wiped out in less than a year. Eradicated. Mud brick and stone doesn’t do well in floods of that magnitude. It would be in the immediate interest of the aliens to rescue such humans and domestic livestock in which they had a vested interest in creating for a very long time. (Nephilimist genealogy?) Here may lie the root meaning for ‘the Chosen of God’.
They would have known in advance of what was to come. They would either order boats to be built with supplied tools or build them themselves. I’ve always wondered about the Biblical reference to the ‘Cubit’ unit of measure a few thousand years before writing was invented. Something else had to be at work here. The rest would have been ordered to evacuate, in no uncertain terms. (Cast out of the Garden of Eden?)
This would have created the largest mass exodus and dispersion of a civilized population up to that time in history. People (then as now) identify themselves by their region or origins. ‘Who we are’ is important. It’s a natural inclination of belonging… to a tribe, group, ‘house’ clan, nation, or belief. Imagine the group psychological impact of having your entire history wiped out, along with many (if not all) important people, cultural artifacts and everything else that defined who you, as a people are. Even your Gods are gone. This, compounded by the idea that you’re people are ‘special’ among all others. The chosen to survive. Deprived of that history, you invent a new one. Post flood apocalypse. You begin with a sire… the ‘patriarch’ and re-create your own genealogy… then explain away the rest. All of this in an oral tradition up until 5-600 BCE when it was finally written down some 5,000 years after the event. In addition… we have the alleged ‘Exodus’ (1446 BCE-1406 BCE) some 900 years prior to recount. In all intellectual honesty, nobody is going to keep the same story straight for that amount of time. Eden, the Flood, Exodus are in all likelihood the same story out of sequence with overzealous embellishments to forward he narrative of the ‘Glory of God’. It is during this time period (583 BCE) that Ezekial has his Close Encounter of the 1st Kind, or the tale is fabricated from an earlier event.
Truth is difficult to unravel. Once unraveled, even impossible for some to accept. I believe this theory is closer to the real truth than anyone will choose to admit.
W.E. Shaw 2015
I support your idea.
If you pursue the truth, everyone will come to the same place.
Naoki Kato