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Alignment of the Pyramids of Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza, with the Pyramid of Kukulcan, is the towering icon of Chichen Itza. This pyramid is seemingly pointless aligned under an angle of 23° from the North.

Another interesting building on that site is El Caracol, which is believed ot be an ancient observatory. The top appears to be realigned in the same direction as El castillo (the Pyramid of Kukulcan). But the base is aligned to an even more ancient pole.

The North wall of this observatorium is pointing to the same pole as that of Teotihuacan.

The site of Chichen Itza has been restored and realigned at least three times after catastrophic earth crust shifts. How old is this site? At least three glaciation cycles – more than 250,000 years.

Enjoy reading!

Pyramid of Kukulcan

The clue in the alignment of this pyramid is 23 degrees.  This represents the approximate tilt of planet earth.  As such, the Kukulcan pyramid is aligned directly to the winter and summer solstices.  Nothing to do with the north cardinal point and ancient star locations. This can easily be checked with Google Earth.  This is not a coincidence and shows that the winter solstice sunrise and summer solstice sunset – 6 months apart, were special times for these ancient sky or sun watchers.  Also, the same orientation may be found in the head of the Serpent Mound in Ohio. 

Its interesting to note that Chichen Itza also has a Serpent whose shadow becomes apparent at the equinoxes. So two serpents and two similar alignments.  Cultural connections? The Pyramid of Palenque also orients to the solstices.

In general mesoamerican pyramids either align to the solstices or the cross-quarter days, i.e the 1st May sunset and 2nd February sunrise. Examples include Teotihuacan, Tikal, Kinich Kak Moo, Teotenango and Caracol.   The common factor seems to be sunworshipping with some cultures favouring the solstices while others the cross-quarter days.
