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The hidden mysteries and ancient understandings of Tarot and the Bembine tablet.

Cracking the Code to Discover Ancient Tarot Symbolism and Forgotten Universal Knowledge

How old is the Tarot? This is a question that seems easy to answer today. As playing cards, we can confidently map the Tarot to the early 15th century. Mystery solved? Well, it’s not quite that...
The Eleusinian Mysteries. Source: AI Generated

From Ancient Mystery School to Culture Capital: Eleusis’ Secret Past is Recognized

The ancient city of Eleusis in Greece was the site of one of the most mysterious and revered religious rites of ancient Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries . The exact nature of the rituals performed...
Representation of the Emerald Tablet

The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe

The origins of Western alchemy can be traced back to Hellenistic Egypt, in particular to the city of Alexandria. One of the most important characters in the mythology of alchemy is Hermes...
The Gospel of Satan: Grand Grimoire is One of the Creepiest Medieval Manuscripts Out There!

The Gospel of Satan: Grand Grimoire is One of the Creepiest Medieval Manuscripts Out There!

The Grand Grimoire, sometimes referred to as the ‘Red Dragon’ or the ‘Gospel of Satan’, is a medieval grimoire believed to possess immense powers. According to legend, it was written by an apocryphal...
The Sorceress by John William Waterhouse

The Enchanted Sex-Word of Scotland’s Secret Seduction Society

Seduction, the most noble art. History books across the planet reveal the carnal activities of an endless number of femme-fatals, causing nations to collapse and dynasties to crumble. In Ancient...
The Lost Artifacts of Clover Hollow - Definite Proof of an Ancient Civilization or Just a Pile of Rocks?

The Lost Artifacts of Clover Hollow - Definite Proof of an Ancient Civilization or Just a Pile of Rocks?

Buried meticulously and ceremonially around the foundations of rock formations aligned across Clover Hollow Mountain are strange and creative portable artifacts that will stretch the imagination of...
Numbers and Nobles: The Magical Tradition of Numerology in Spain

Numbers and Nobles: The Magical Tradition of Numerology in Spain

Spain has always been a country full of contrasts. It is often regarded as heavily Catholic and the place where the Inquisition began. At the same time, there have also been witches and individuals...
The Ars Notoria - An Ancient Magical Book to Perfect Memory and Master Academia

The Ars Notoria - An Ancient Magical Book to Perfect Memory and Master Academia

Over the centuries many books have been written claiming that loyal readers and followers of the text will be bestowed with magical powers. In some cases these books are intended to invoke demons or...
The Masonic Initiation Wells of the Quinta da Regaleira

The Masonic Initiation Wells of the Quinta da Regaleira

Located near the historic center of Sintra, Portugal lies the Quinta da Regaleira- a spectacular estate that sits in a World Heritage protected landscape. While thousands of tourists flock to the...