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Edward V

Posthumous portrait of King Edward IV from original circa 1470-1475. Source: Public Domain

A Brief History of Edward IV of England, The First Yorkist King

Governing a great and powerful realm is certainly no easy task, especially a kingdom that was as powerful as medieval England. The Kings of England were amongst the most powerful men of that time,...
Detail from theatre poster for Jane Shore at Royal Princess' Theatre in Edinburgh, December 1885. Source: Public domain

Royal Mistress Jane Shore Walked Streets of London in her Underwear

Elizabeth "Jane" Shore was a fiery and charismatic Englishwoman who made a name for herself as one of the many sultry mistresses of the handsome and powerful English king, Edward IV. With her...
The traditional belief is that the princes, Edward V and Prince Richard, were executed under orders from Richard III. (Public domain)

Richard III Not Guilty of Murdering His Nephews, Researchers Conclude

Many historians have suspected the last British monarch from the House of York was responsible for the dastardly deed of having ordered the execution of his two young nephews in 1483, in an attempt...
Princes in the Tower Were Murdered by Richard III, Concludes Historian

Princes in the Tower Were Murdered by Richard III, Concludes Historian

Evidence has emerged that may have solved one of the world’s longest-standing murder mysteries. The Huddersfield University professor, Tim Thornton, believes that his recent discoveries have...