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Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome. Source: gnoparus / Adobe Stock

Saint Peter’s Basilica: A Magnificent Renaissance Icon

Nothing speaks of greatness as much as the Renaissance period does. Filled with grandeur, classical elements, magnificence, and elegance, this artistic and architectural movement swept through Europe...
This is the ceiling of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy Photograph by Anne Dirkse

The Roman Pantheon: National Treasure and Legacy of a Powerful Empire

Anyone who has paid a visit to Rome will know that around just about every corner of the historic center lies a reminder of Rome’s glorious and inglorious history. Be it buildings, fountains, statues...
Origins of the Magnificent Florentine Cathedral Santa Maria di Fiore

Origins of the Magnificent Florentine Cathedral Santa Maria di Fiore

The city of Florence, known as Firenze in Italian, has long been recognized for its wealth and beauty. The heart of the city is its cathedral. This building is famous not only for its appearance, but...