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A mass grave of over 50 headless Vikings, known as the headless Vikings of Dorset. Source: Simon Fraser University / CC BY 2.0

Unraveling the Mystery of the Headless Vikings of Dorset

In June 2009, archaeologists made a shocking discovery in the seaside town of Weymouth in Dorset, England. While excavating in preparation for the anticipated Weymouth Relief Road, archaeologists...
The decapitated skulls were found at the Maya Moral-Reforma site in Mexico. Source: INAH

Decapitated Elongated Skulls Revealed as Gruesome Ancient Maya Ritual Offerings

In April , archaeologists working at the Moral-Reforma Archaeological site in Tabasco, Mexico, discovered 13 human burials with elongated skulls showing decapitation marks. Now, scientists and...
A headless skeleton, Suffolk, England (representational). Credit: Archaeological Solutions.

450 Headless ‘Vampire’ Skeletons Unearthed in Mass Grave in Poland

Archaeologists in Poland have excavated what is being called a “mass-suspected vampire grave.” With their decapitated skulls lodged between their legs, and coins in their mouths, every effort was...
The Neolithic mass grave found at Vráble, western Slovakia.	Source: Ivan Cheben, Slovak Academy of Sciences / Slovak Spectator

Mass Grave Found in Vráble: Slovakia’s Stone Age Decapitated Victims

Archaeologists digging at a Neolithic settlement site in Vrable, western Slovakia have unearthed a mass grave containing the headless remains of around three dozen people. The Vráble site is one of...
Spanish researchers have released their scientific study of the Neolithic age skulls and ritual artifacts found in one of the Dehesilla caves south of Cadiz, Spain.

New Kind of Neolithic Age Human Burial Ritual Found in Spanish Cave

All societies, ancient and modern, lay a great deal of emphasis on how their dead should be buried. In a cave in southern Spain, researchers have discovered the extent to which Middle-Neolithic-age...
Bone remains at an archaeological site in Henan province suggest the decapitated skeleton was an ancient Chinese sacrifice. Source: Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology/ Xinhua

Kneeling Decapitated Skeleton was Ancient Chinese Sacrifice Victim

Archaeologists in China have discovered a kneeling, decapitated skeleton. They believe that the individual was an ancient Chinese sacrifice victim . Xinhua , China’s largest state-run news agency,...
The Heslington skull and brain. Source: Top 5 Scary Videos / YouTube.

The Strange Phenomenon of the 2,600-year-old Heslington Brain

Sometime between 673 BC to 482 BC, in a region that would one day be known as East Heslington York, a mysterious man was hung by the rope and then decapitated ceremoniously. His severed head was...
Huangmenyan cave, site of the squatting burial found in China.

Cave With 25,000 Years of Human History Now Delivers Headless Squatting Woman

In China , archaeologists have made an extraordinary discovery from over 13,000 years ago according to the State News Agency. During excavations in a cave, they have unearthed the headless remains of...
Stone block and decapitated skeleton

Decapitated Pompeii Man Was Not Killed By the Block

At the end of May, archaeologists working at Pompeii made a remarkable and grisly discovery when they unearthed the remains of a man who had apparently been decapitated by a huge rock that was thrown...
David Tanami, an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist, works his way into the narrow tomb opening to bring out a jar at a Canaanite burial site near Jerusalem's Biblical Zoo.

4,000-Year-Old Canaanite Burial Included a Jar of Decapitated Toads

Archaeologists discovered the peculiar inclusion of the remains of nine headless toads inside a well-preserved jar positioned carefully inside a 4,000-year-old tomb in Jerusalem, Israel. Experts...
Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

A team of Georgian and Polish archaeologists working at the Beshtasheni burial site of south-eastern Georgia have uncovered 16 graves dating from the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age. Most of the...
At Front - Representation of a warrior holding a trophy head. Background - Nazca fiber "double fish" design displayed at Brooklyn Museum. Source: Front, Public Domain; Background, Public Domain.

The Nazca Head-hunters and their Trophy Heads

The Nazca culture of Peru is perhaps most well-known for the enigmatic Nazca Lines , hundreds of lines and stylized images built into the Peruvian coastal plain. Yet, there is more to this ancient...
Hopewell Skull

Hopewell skulls pose a mystery

The Hopewell culture describes a widely dispersed set of related Native American populations that flourished along The Ohio River Valley from 200 BC to 500 AD. The culture is characterised by its...
Trophy Skulls - Headhunters in London

Gruesome evidence of ancient Roman head hunters in London

A report in the Journal of Archaeological Science published earlier this year revealed grisly evidence of beheadings and brutality inflicted upon the Roman Empire’s gladiators, criminals and war...
Vikings' Slaves

New Study Shows Viking Graves contained Sacrificed Slaves

A new study which will be published in the new issues of the Journal of Archaeological Science has revealed that a set of Viking graves uncovered in Norway in the early 1980s contained the remains of...
Tattooed Maori head

Tattooed Maori head returns to New Zealand from British Museum

It’s not every day that someone receives a tattooed mummified head as a gift, but this is exactly what happened when Maori elders and New Zealand officials met with officials from Guernsey museum in...