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Grisly Tales Marriage and Murder – Who were the Ancient Danites & Danaan? Part II

Grisly Tales Marriage and Murder – Who were the Ancient Danites & Danaan? Part II

The Danaan and Danites are a mystery people for many historians. Speculated to have been Greek seafarers in the late Bronze Age, they are also closely associated with the Sea Peoples who ravaged the...
A mosaic in the Jewish Quarter representing the 12 Tribes of Israel, including the Danites and Philistines; Deriv.

Mystery People of the Sea— Who were the Ancient Danites & Danaan? Part I

The Danaan and Danites are a mystery people for many historians. Speculated to have been Greek seafarers in the late Bronze Age, they are also closely associated with the Sea Peoples who ravaged the...
The Dangerous Danaids: Meet 49 of the Most Murderous Royals in Greek Myth

The Dangerous Danaids: Meet 49 of the Most Murderous Royals in Greek Myth

The ancient Greeks had no problem painting their mythological women as murderesses. Among the most lethal ladies were the Danaids, the fifty daughters of a king whose crimes condemned them to...