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Man in the desert extracting camel milk. Source: padraic spencer/EyeEm / Adobe Stock

Camel Milk, The Ancient Liquid Gold Superfood, is Rising in Demand

A U.S. farm is struggling to supply rising demand for bottles of their ancient nomadic survival juice - camel milk. But at $12-$16 a pint, consumers pockets are getting humped. Ancient nomadic and...
Ancient DNA shows movement and interactions encouraged by pastoralism in Africa. Source: kubikactive / Adobe Stock

Ancient DNA is Revealing the Origins of Livestock Herding in Africa

Visitors to East Africa are often amazed by massive herds of cattle with a gorgeous array of horn, hump and coat patterns. Pastoralism – a way of life centered around herding – is a central part of...
A replica of a painting of an aurochs in Lascaux cave in France. Scientists have estimated these paintings may be 20,000 years old.

Scientists Have Almost Completed the Resurrection of Extinct Aurochs and Plan to Reintroduce Them to the Wild

A group of scientists is attempting to re-wild 1 million hectares (2.47 million acres) of European lands, and one of the keys in the circle of life will be reintroducing the fierce, huge, wild...
How (Most) Humans Lost Their Tails - From Fish to Tetrapods to Apes to Homo Sapiens

How (Most) Humans Lost Their Tails - From Fish to Tetrapods to Apes to Homo Sapiens

Did you know that human embryos early in development have tails that later fail to grow for a lack of signaling from the genes? We end up with the coccyx at the end of our spines that protrudes a bit...
Digesting Milk in Ethiopia

Should Humans Drink Cow’s Milk? Part 2 - Digesting Milk in Ethiopia

Yesterday we reported on a new study of our ancient Neolithic ancestors who first began the practice of dairy-related animal husbandry and discussed the implications this may have with regards to the...
Ancient drawing with Cows and Milk

Should Adult Humans Drink Milk? Study of Neolithic Farmers May Have the Answer

Many would remember the days when a milk trolley would be rolled out during morning recess at school and all the children would come running for their daily glass of milk, or the TV images of...