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Looking for book recommendations for Christian/Jewish/Kabbalah etc mythology

Hi. I’m new and I wasn’t sure where to post this so sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am looking for recommendations for books or anything else that are good for learning about biblical stories and mythologies, jewish mysticism, angels etc. I have watched Evangelion and read the Mortal Instruments series and am especially interested in angelic hierarchy, demons, christian mythology and stories and everyone else that relates to them.. This has made me interested in exploring those topics. Can anyone give me any recommendations for good books and resources to learn more about this kind of thing? 

The Druidess

I am new to this forum but I am so glad to find it!  I am looking for a copy of a fictional book written by Cornelia Amiri – The Druidess.  I am interested in Celtic topics, Queen Boudica, etc.  Its a pleasure to join this group.  Thanks.

Terri Anderson Castelo


List of free ebooks on mythology & folklore

A site I subscribe to posted a list of free ebooks on mythology and folklore. Seems to span far more than just Greek, Roman and Norse. Got some Jewish folklore on there as well.


May find it useful.

Dissertation Jewish Mysticism & Angels

This might be informative for razzmatazz..although the request was posted in June & I’ve only just seen it...check out my dissertation

There are quite a few if you

There are quite a few if you do a keyword search on amazon


There is no such thing as

There is no such thing as Christian Kabbalah. It is all Jewish.