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Hello Auntie, I’m in Arizona too, was interested in your posts. Have you ever gotten answers to your questions about Ooparts, Newman and MacTonnies? I’m not familiar with that one, but I suspect Newman refers to Hugh, a researcher and writer – has several books published; and Ooparts refers to Out-of-place artifacts – things like the London hammer and a brass bell found in really old coal – things that do not fit any commonly accepted explanation of how they got to the places in which they were found. There are a few out there that are really bizarre, like a small ceramic doll/figurine found 3000 feet deep in strata supposedly millions of years old. Have fun learning!


Hi there, I have recently joined this forum.

sacred land

Hello Fellow Explorers!!!...I live in Holywell, North Wales...Over the past decade or so..i  have found some very interesting special places up and down the surrounding areas of the ancient “offas dyke” trail,...i never knew that i was interested in that sort of thing, but ive been drawn to places, and kind of taken on a journey,.. and now everything makes sense to me. i began to study sacred geology, and other interesting subjects. but i feel it has been a spiritual journey of self realisation, and so mostly  i am interested in my own land, history and culture...certain  paths i know ive walked on before, in other times.. in another world..or so it seems!?? ive been here before, this ive always known... so im looking forward to sharing some discoveries and secrets of the past with people who understand my language,..and sharing the things that were not supposed to know about.. ;-)


Hi. My name is Walikali, I can't remember too well how I found this site, but I'm glad I did. It is an amazing, educational and extremely informative website and I just wish I had more time to spend on it.

I have a very spiritual passion for history, especially when it comes to revealing the truth behind ancient myths. I have a good bit of Pueblo blood, therefore, I love to read and learn about anything in Native American history and mythology.  I thoroughly enjoy anything that sheds light on ancient historical cover-ups. I am also fascinated with Ancient Egypt and anything else in between


Hi, I have just published my first book; a Historical Novel that is based on my own Past-Life recollection during the time of the Roman Invasion of Britain. It is titled ‘A ROMAN AND A CELT – A MEMOIRS OF A PAST-LIFE’. This all came to me through a series of Dreams, but especially the first dream that set me wondering and seeking out the facts within. The book is of interest to those seeking Reincarnation material and those interested in Roman British history. Available though Austin Macauley Punlishers Ltd; Amazon and all good book publishers on-line or through book stores.

Lady April-Eliza


I would like to introduce myself, I am a Freemason. My soul purpose is to merge the ancient and modern world. Looking forward to contributing profound thought. First thread 8/16/18.


Hi my 2016 novel The Royal Secret reveals the extraordinary life of the Freemason revivalist Francis Bacon the Elizabethan statesman and philosopher and his realtionship with modern day USA and its present problems with Covid 19. The book traces Freemasonry to the days of the Pyramids and through its phases over the centuries and its motivations for good or bad.

I am probably the supposed to be king of the planet

Hi, I am Brandon (Sword) in Arkansas (US) and I am extremely interested in genaeology. Unfortunately I am out of leads and now I spend countless hours and years pilfering through a great many credible stories looking for hunches. I’ve studied elements of extinct languages as a hobby over the years (don’t get me wrong, I don’t speak proto-Austronesian). I didn’t want to submit my DNA (Y analysis) so I used other means and actually pieced together some interesting coincidences but also each story leads to more and more dead ends and now I just read everything. I especially choose this site the past couple of months to thoroughly review because I probably do know a lot more now than the average user with a degree...and I’m just a cook at a stupid bureaucratic restaurant.  I’m actually a sous chef among other qualities but I make salads at where I am (by choice, by graciousness also but for real I’m great). I read, I learn, I teach, I might be wrong some but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. I can’t tell you just yet what piques my interest because I’m yet to submit my DNA, there’s a great bounty here that pleases me and I’m too broke to get premium though I would if i had a debit card or PayPal which I refuse so...I’ll definitely read what I can get. Thank you for your many articles, I gladly spend my time perusing through them!  I’m very single and very handsome, just couldn’t make it to college yet darn the luck 

I'm new here

Hello all.

My name is Kieron and I've only recently registered on the site. I'm a Northern Ireland based photographer and I like to travel a lot. One of the reasons for coming on board is to see if anyone is working on a project (or knows someone) that requires a photographer. I'm always looking for adventure and would be happy to relocate.

I have a particular interest in history involving pirates and whatever else Lara Croft and Nathan Drake has brought my way.

Nice to meet everyone.



Hi, I live in Arizona, USA, and have two primary interests: native American past on both continents, and especially ancient civilizations (pre-dating conventional history) Ancient astronauts? maybe, but I prefer to believe that much more advanced humans existed and flourished on earth – possibly millions of years ago.

Oral legends of many native American tribes (and Austrailians) tell of series of past ‘worlds’ that existed on earth before our current era. How else can we explain so many of the stupendous megalithic sites? Conventional science needs to face the indisputable fact that bronze tools and stone hammers could not have built  Coricancha, Puma Punkuu or the great pyramids. 

Salve' & Greetings to All

So many interesting subjects on here, that I am happy to be a part of. I have a deep interst in Ancient Sites, stone circles, Iron and Bronze Age; the occult, myths and superstitions. This year I published my first book – a Past-Life story of life in Roman Britain that I have written into the form of a novel given as I had so much information come through from this memory of reincarnation. This is the place to find others with similar experiences.

Lady April-Eliza


Hello everyone. My name is Mary DeForest, and I am seeking information about the Hyksos. My question is: If you were a woman in the ancient world, would you rather live in a Hyksos society or an Egyptian one. I am writing a novel about Ariadne (the Cretan princess who, according to the popular story, saved Theseus’ life and got dumped). Her best friend was an Egyptian refugee, but I don’t know whether she is escaping from the Hyksos or the Egyptians.

Good Day!

One item of interest is the commonalities found with pyramids and ancient ruins across the globe. For example: Structure and shape of pyramids are significantly unique from one another, and quite fantastic to just look at (photos that is), but the the most intriguing question i ponder is of what they were built for, who designed these structures and if there is a connection between all of the people who built these and if so, what was their purpose or result in mind for building such structures. If these structures were able to produce some type of beacon, or were they built for spiritual purpose, etc...

Also, i love the theories about the pyramids, no matter how farfetched it seems.

Something I'd hope to see one day would be ancient ruins and pyramids alike.

Looking forward to dive in! Prost!

Hello from Arizona

I was told about this site by Jan van der Crabben the publisher of Ancient History Encyclopedia. Since I was a little girl in Virginia, I have had dreams of living in Atlantis. As I grew older I saw other lives in dreams and visions where I lived in Egypt, China, and in fourteenth century Italy.I have always loved to read anything of ancient history, especially of Rome and the Etruscan worlds, I was fortunate to live in Italy for two years, while my husband was stationed there in the military. Recently I completed a manuscript telling about all these past lives and how those memories have influenced my present life, I am looking for a publisher who would be interested in this story from Atlantis to the 21th century.


Symbolism and Ritual Maths

Hi there! New member here that studies Qabalist ritual symbolism and math with a few decodes some will find of interest.

Wanna know more interesting

Wanna know more interesting facts about ancients

The Bible's Pre-biblical Origins

Permit me to introduce myself. My interest is in researching the pre-biblical origins of concepts appearing in the Holy Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, a subject I have researched since 1970 from a secular point of view. I have self-published two books on these aspects of this subject in 2010, available on the internet via various book sellers at Amazon.Com, they are _Eden's Serpent: Its Mesopotamian Origins_ and _The Garden of Eden Myth: Its Pre-biblical Origin in Mesopotamian Myths_. I also have a website that I publish my research to since December of 2000, and a presence on You Tube under the channel name of Walter R. Mattfeld. I am a retired educator, a teacher of History and of Geography, with a Master of Arts Degree in Education (1968 California Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo). I am aged 76 years, born 1943 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I also have done Genealogical research since 1963 and have traced my roots to Germany and Spain in the 1500's. Some of my ancestors served in the Pennsylvania Militia in the American Revolutionary War (1776-1783). Others served in the Civil War of 1861-1865, again in the Pennsylvania Militia. I live in retirement at Orange Park, Florida.

Walter R. Mattfeld

I have questions

     I read a little of your profile. I noticed you wrote you believed in a loving god at one time, but now you don’t. I’m just curious what you believe. I’ll be honest. I know everyone was damned to eternal torment, without a chance of escape, before they even existed. I’ve known for more than 20 years. I’m 42 now. I’ve also been studying the lies of the Bible for many years. And I know none of the OT patriarchs, nor jesus, even existed. I don’t meet many people, ever, that know everyone is damned. I was just curious.



What do I believe now?

Today I now (aged 76 years, born 1943) understand that the findings of Science are correct, mankind evolved from primates (Darwin's Theory). There is NO God. There is NO Devil, NO Demons, NO Angels, NO Extra-terrestials (NO Aliens ever visited planet Earth). The purpose of all religions is to control people, via Carrot and Stick, or Rewards and Punishments. To mentally enslave their adherents via threats is how all religions operate. As regards the Bible, some of its individuals are pure fiction, some are real people whose stories are a mix of truth and fiction. Jesus was a real person, but stories about him are a mix of truth and fiction. Behind Adam and Eve, who are fictional characters, are earlier fictional characters, Enkidu, Adapa and Shamhat of the Sumerian legends (Epic of Gilgamesh). Behind Cain is Gilgamesh. Behind the city of Enoch in the land of Nod is Sumerian UNUG (URUK) in the land of EDIN. Behind biblical EDEN is the Sumerian EDIN. While it is true that Christianity presents everyone as damned, before ever being born, on the basis of the Garden of Eden myth, this damnation of humankind by God is NOT the understanding of Mainstream Judaism. The Sumerians understood man is a sinner because he was made in the image of sinner-gods, gods who engaged in rape, murder, lies, oath-breaking, incest with daughters, sex with animals, homosexuality, and who generally held man in contempt, having created him to be a lowly gardening slave, relieving the gods of the burdensome toil in caring for their city-gardens in the midst of the EDIN, giving the gods an eternal rest from having to grow their own food to keep themselves alive and not die of starvation (in myths the gods had fleshly bodies and could die of starvation). Man is to be a servant of the gods and provide them two meals, morning and evening, with food offering sacrifices at Sumer's temples, from the city gardens in the midst of the EDIN. In the Bible God is presented with two meals, morning and evening, by Levitical priests at the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, just like a Sumerian god gets two meals. The Hebrews never questioned why their God who is immortal and cannot die, should need two meals every day. But the Sumerian gods had fleshly bodies and could die if they had no earthly food to eat. I began my research circa 1970 as a devout Christian (non-denominational Protestant, baptized Methodist) seeking to refute Science's findings but eventually realized from the study of biblical archaeology and the findings of Biblical Textual Criticism that Science was right and the Bible was wrong about Man's origins. (My self-photo, accompanying this reply, is from 1990, aged 47)

Walter R. Mattfeld

Darwins theory

“Not one change of species into another is on record. We cannot prove that a single species has changed into another.” Charles Darwin, ‘My Life and Letters’, Vol. 1, page 210

Sir Clerke


If you like being dammed, live that way. If you do not want to be dammed, do not be. G_d gives you that choice. That simple...


Evolution seems to have many of the same contradictions as Creation.When people say everyone came from Adam and Eve, I get several thoughts. 1. So, two of their babies were African, two European, two Asian, and so on. The two Asian children walked to Asia, African to Africa, and so on. It doesn't add up. And it would actually have been Noah's children.
As I wrote before I've studied the bible a lot. And no one that reads this has permission to use what they read, without my permission. Although I would gladly agree to the sharing of what I've learned with others for the purpose of monetary gain, but I don't want it done with me excluded. The numbers in the genealogies were originally an astronomical chart. I can back that up with SOLID evidence. The only names in the bible for which the same three ages are given are every name,Adam through Isaac. If the three ages are divided into columns, the sums are 2106, 9820 and 11926. Earth's gravity is about 9.82 m/s^2. √11926 is 109.206. The moons circumference is 10921 km. If four zeros are added to 11926, it is exact. It would make sense, because the third number in Adam's row is 930. 93 million miles from the Earth's semi major axis to the sun's. It's a decimal or two places off, but there are some explanations. Adam's row is also farthest away from Isaac's (60, 120, 180), which would represent Earth's axis.60 + 120 + 180 = 360. The ratios of the columns: 2106/2106=1, 9820/2106=4.66286, 11926/2106=5.66286. There are 466 560 000/ π square arc minutes in a sphere. The lowest (near) whole number ratios of the numbers is 3, 13.988 (14) and 16.988 (17). I realized those numbers are related to π. 3.14159. The digits of π must have other meanings. 3*10=30, 14+15.9=29.9. 3+14=17, 17. I could go on for a very long time. But it seems the only possibility is,the numbers and words were found later and mistaken for a genealogy. Except much of the story must have been in pictograph form. But originally, the names were just words,a story about creation. Adam was dust, Eve air, Cain light, Abel mist. They 'fell' to solid matter. Seth is the son set, Cain the son light, Abel the son missed. Cain is also related to writing (cuneiform, ciln). Seth to speech (air, saith). It seems religion was mixed into the story, they are where the two witnesses originated from. It seems obvious there was no garden in the original story, that people were born imperfect, a sort of a test. The written word/writer and spoken word/prophet are the two witnesses, ordained to give god's messages to the people. Abel is B+Abel. The tower was a symbol of lost communication and 'perfect' relationship with 'god'. I study constantly, I have hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence just like this. 666 is related to rotation, evilness of the world's imperfection. 777 to forgiveness, the mark put on Cain by god. The NT was prophetic, those who love this world and sin have the mark. Lamek said, if Cain's killer is cursed 7fold, Lameks 77 (777). Jesus said, not 7 times, but 70x7. But to the NT authors, Jesus was each generation of the sons of god. The tribe of Judah represents the continued bloodline of the elect.When Tamar had his baby, his wife and two sons had died. He would have been childless.The third son was Selah, (Shiloh, the son missed). His return to Tamar would have been the end of the world, a return to a perfect relationship with God, by the elect. But the son of god giving his life probably refers to 'martyrdom' of christians. As far as if the NT writers (original) knew what the (OT) was, I'm not completely sure. In other words, was the bible written completely differently than many believe, and did the NT authors know it was an astronomical chart. Or did they also find a pictograph prophecy of the end of the world, and mistranslate it also. Anyway, if you want to give your opinion of my findings, please do.


The Bible and numbers are Gods creation

The Genealogy of Matthew’s Gospel contains some very interesting peculiar properties. It is not possible that man devised this intricate pattern; each of the books in the new testament exhibits this same repetitions of sevens.

The first eleven verses of Matthew:

The number of words which are nouns is exactly 56, or 7 x 8.
The Greek word “the” occurs frequently in the passage: exactly 56 times or 7 x 8.
Also, the number of different forms in which the article “the” occurs is exactly 7.
There are two main sections in the passage: verse 1-11 and 12-17. In the first main section, the number of Greek vocabulary words used is 49, or 7 x 7.
Of these 49 words, the number of those beginning with a vowel is 28, or 7 x 4.
The number of words beginning with a consonant is 21, or 7 x 3.
The total number of letters in these 49 words is exactly 266, or 7 x 38-exactly.
The numbers of vowels among these 266 letters is 140, or 7 x 20.
The number of consonants is 126, or 7 x 18-exactly
Of these 49 words, the number of words which occur more than once is 35, or 7 x 5.
The number of words occuring only once is 14, or 7 x 2.
The number of words which occur in only one form is exactly 42, or 7 x 6.
The number of words appearing in more than one form is also 7.
The number of 49 Greek vocabulary words which are nouns is 42, or 7 x 6.
The number of words which are not nouns is 7.
Of the nouns, 35 are proper names, or 7 x 5.
These 35 nouns are used 63 times, or 7 x9.
The number of male names is 28, or 7 x 4.
These male names occur 56 times or 7 x 8.
The number which are not male names is 7.
Three women are mentioned- Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. The number of Greek letter in these three names is 14, or 7 x 2.
The number of compound nouns is 7.
The number of Greek letters in these 7 nouns is 49, or 7 x 7.
Only one city is named in this passage, Babylon, which in Greek contains exactly 7 letters.

And on and on it goes.

The number of words must be divisible by 7 evenly. (In each of these constraints, it is assumed that the divisions are without remainders)
The number of letters must also be divisible 7
The number of vowels and the number of consonants must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur in only one form shall be divisible by 7.
The number of nouns shall be divisible by 7.
Only 7 words shall not be nouns.
The number of names in the genealogy shall be divisible by 7.
Only 7 other kinds of nouns are permitted.
The number of male names shall be divisible by 7.

There are words in the passage just described that occur nowhere else in the New Testament. They occur 42 times (7 x 6) and have 126 letters 7 x 18. Now how was this organized?

Even if Matthew contrived this characteristic into his Gospel, how could he have known that these specific words -whose sole characteristic is that they are found nowhere else in the New Testament- were not going to be usedby other writers? Unless we assume the absurd hypothesis that he had an agreement with them; he must have had the rest of the New Testament before him when he wrote his book. The Gospel of Matthew, then, must have been written last.

It so happens the Gospel of Mark exhibits the same phenomenon. It can be demonstrated that it would have had to be written “last”. The same phenomenon is found in Luke, John, Peter, Jude and Paul. Each would have to write after the other in order to contrive the vocabulary frequencies! You can demonstrate that each of the New Testament books had to have been “written last”.

There is no human explanation for this incredible and precise structure. It has all been supernaturally designed. We simply gasp, sit back, and behold the skillful handiwork of the God Who keeps His promises.

By the way, the crucifixion of Jesus took place at Golgotha, elevation = 777 meters above sea level. What a coincidence.

14. The number of generations, shall be 21, also divisible by 7

Sir Clerke


The King James bible is divinely inspired. Numbers and relationships were not in the authors minds and are certainly a sign of this. Take book of Mathew and it's relationship to the number seven.

The Genealogy of Matthew’s Gospel contains some very interesting peculiar properties. It is not possible that man devised this intricate pattern; each of the books in the new testament exhibits this same repetitions of sevens.

The first eleven verses of Matthew:

The number of words which are nouns is exactly 56, or 7 x 8.
The Greek word “the” occurs frequently in the passage: exactly 56 times or 7 x 8.
Also, the number of different forms in which the article “the” occurs is exactly 7.
There are two main sections in the passage: verse 1-11 and 12-17. In the first main section, the number of Greek vocabulary words used is 49, or 7 x 7.
Of these 49 words, the number of those beginning with a vowel is 28, or 7 x 4.
The number of words beginning with a consonant is 21, or 7 x 3.
The total number of letters in these 49 words is exactly 266, or 7 x 38-exactly.
The numbers of vowels among these 266 letters is 140, or 7 x 20.
The number of consonants is 126, or 7 x 18-exactly
Of these 49 words, the number of words which occur more than once is 35, or 7 x 5.
The number of words occuring only once is 14, or 7 x 2.
The number of words which occur in only one form is exactly 42, or 7 x 6.
The number of words appearing in more than one form is also 7.
The number of 49 Greek vocabulary words which are nouns is 42, or 7 x 6.
The number of words which are not nouns is 7.
Of the nouns, 35 are proper names, or 7 x 5.
These 35 nouns are used 63 times, or 7 x9.
The number of male names is 28, or 7 x 4.
These male names occur 56 times or 7 x 8.
The number which are not male names is 7.
Three women are mentioned- Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. The number of Greek letter in these three names is 14, or 7 x 2.
The number of compound nouns is 7.
The number of Greek letters in these 7 nouns is 49, or 7 x 7.
Only one city is named in this passage, Babylon, which in Greek contains exactly 7 letters.

And on and on it goes.

The number of words must be divisible by 7 evenly. (In each of these constraints, it is assumed that the divisions are without remainders)
The number of letters must also be divisible 7
The number of vowels and the number of consonants must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by 7.
The number of words that occur in only one form shall be divisible by 7.
The number of nouns shall be divisible by 7.
Only 7 words shall not be nouns.
The number of names in the genealogy shall be divisible by 7.
Only 7 other kinds of nouns are permitted.
The number of male names shall be divisible by 7.

There are words in the passage just described that occur nowhere else in the New Testament. They occur 42 times (7 x 6) and have 126 letters 7 x 18. Now how was this organized?

Even if Matthew contrived this characteristic into his Gospel, how could he have known that these specific words -whose sole characteristic is that they are found nowhere else in the New Testament- were not going to be usedby other writers? Unless we assume the absurd hypothesis that he had an agreement with them; he must have had the rest of the New Testament before him when he wrote his book. The Gospel of Matthew, then, must have been written last.

It so happens the Gospel of Mark exhibits the same phenomenon. It can be demonstrated that it would have had to be written “last”. The same phenomenon is found in Luke, John, Peter, Jude and Paul. Each would have to write after the other in order to contrive the vocabulary frequencies! You can demonstrate that each of the New Testament books had to have been “written last”.

There is no human explanation for this incredible and precise structure. It has all been supernaturally designed. We simply gasp, sit back, and behold the skillful handiwork of the God Who keeps His promises.

By the way, the crucifixion of Jesus took place at Golgotha, elevation = 777 meters above sea level. What a coincidence.

14. The number of generations, shall be 21, also divisble by 7.

Sir Clerke


Glad this site exists. I have been interested in these topics ever since reading the book The Secret Universe by Aerik Vondenburg.


Fascinating and interesting

Many of my interests are covered on these pages, with so much more to discover.


Hi.  Am I too late for introductions!?  Got here a little past fate, ah!?  Favorite Pegagus and the beat necks (Fathers of the Arts!?) Studying Ancient Greek Mythology is a trick because no one can remember if Chaos made Uranius or did Uranius make Chaos… god issues to sort out which gods came first needs to be addressed in detail… any help here or are these posts as cold as they are old!?  Otherwise, I feel like the editor “gnats on” topic and look forward to further engagement (if the shoe fits!?) – Christopher Costello    

Christopher Costello

self introduction

Hey there! I found this website probably around two weeks ago and I directly fell in love as well as when I scrolled down the homepage, I think all the articles is quite fulfilling my thirst to know more related to archaeology. I've been loving archaeology, historical and any other unexplainable mysteries from the past since I first read a comicbook about King Tutankhamen at my primary age and I was hooked up until now. Mostly interested in ncient Egypt, Greece, Italy, and South America's cultures. My dream is to study about archaeology but to acquire the best quality of this major, it has to be going overseas study. My country does provide this study too but unluckily it doesn't really much appreciated. Although our historical sites are considerable but most of them are founded by outsiders. Local researches are still a few and the graduates most likely will only be teachers and do not conduct many precious researches.


New to site

hi all,what a great place to share and learn.only been on my path for two not scared to have a opinion even if it’s out there.i try to Connect my theories to science so they stand up straighter.can we post pictures that are connected to theories anywhere.many thanks leyton 


Hello everybody. I am

Hello everybody. I am surprised to find this forum so dead. I would think more people would be more interested in these things.

Thank you!

History especially the origin of man and different races interest me . I do not believe in the Evolution theory. I also believe there was an advanced civilization long before perhaps hundreds of millions of years before our time. No Aliens were not the creators. If they were then who created them.

Sir Clerke

Hi guys, i'm new here!

I study Archaeoastronomy, being the beliefs of ancient people, however i have found some of these beliefs still in use today, one example would be modern Olympics which soon i will start a thread about.

I did need to also learn about the myths and legends of astrology, to study Archaeoastronomy, however i sit on the fence regarding beliefs and only record my research, i was a student at the Faculty of Astrological Studies and The College of Psychic Studies, many years ago i was an investigator for The Ghost Club.

I’m Paraplegic, but happy, I have plenty of time for research. I’m looking forward to meeting you all and engaging in debate regarding the mysteries.



Hi friends, I am happy to be part of the ancient-origins family. I am curious to know more about our world and that includes both history and science. I am currently studying masters in history and hope to learn many things from this site. I am quite fascinated by a number of Empire and it seems that no Empire remains for a long time but is conquered or dominated by other Empire as time goes by. This empire influences not only the particcular era but also shapes the future. 


Hi friends, I am happy to be part of the ancient-origins family. I am curious to know more about our world and that includes both history and science. I am currently studying masters in history and hope to learn many things from this site. I am quite fascinated by a number of Empire and it seems that no Empire remains for a long time but is conquered or dominated by other Empire as time goes by. This empire influences not only the particcular era but also shapes the future. 

Hello to all members of this forum

I am interested in all the remains of Ancient  Egypt. Especially I’m focused  on the tombs in Luxor. I’ve done much research in the  tombs of  the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. I hope to learn a lot about Ancient Egypt.

Egypt is the finest place on earth

Hi April! And everyone.

I do enjoy this site more than any I have found so far. The authors find things that are out of the ordinary and not found in the textbooks. There is much more about this planet and it's history than we have been told. There are signs of advanced civilizations all over the world. I feel that these things have been hidden from us. History, Science and genealogy are my areas of study. I hope my comments do not offend anyone. I am really not a stuffy person. However there is a lot of bad information and political sway in this realm. I wish I wasn't so busy, I would read all of it.

Sir Clerke

Greetings from Japan

Hello, I’m Peter Oxley, a writer, photographer and tour guide from England who has spent most of the last 40 years living in Japan. I am very interested in history, particlarly how it has conspired to determine who we are as a people today. I live in the beautiful historical city of Kamakura in Japan, the country’s de facto capital from 1188 until 1333, where I show visitors around the temples, shrines, and gardens of this beautiful city that dates back over a thousand years. I am currently putting together a book on Kamakura. Previously, I spent almost a decade in Cambodia, running a hotel that I built near the ancient capital of Angkor, seat of the Khmer Empire.  Hopefully, one day, I could contribute an article to AO on one subject or another. There are so many!

Who is that Masked Man?

Hello all, I'm an archaeologist based in Spain, but I've also lived in Italy for a long time too. I have excavated in a few countries in Europe including Italy, Greece, Romania and the UK. I've worked in a few museums and have also taught archaeology. I'm especially interested in Ancient History, especially Greek colonisation, but also am interested in ancient Rome. I have just started my own Youtube channel where I discuss many aspects of archaeology and ancient history and I look forward to joining the discussion on all things ancient here on this forum.

Beati Hispani quibus bibere vivere est...
(Julius Caesar Scaliger 1484 – 1558)

Hello everyone

Hi guys! My name is Alice and I'm fascinated with history and archeology! I got my BA in History two years ago and have once worked at an archeological site in Russia (Rostovskiy region, Hazar gorod), liked it very much and want to continue doing it. I've been reading Ancient Origins articles and was happy to find a forum here. Hope to learn something interesting here and share my thoughts and ideas on archeology experience!

Drawn to Tír na nÓg

I am drawn to all things Celtic-Gaelic. I was first drawn to Tír na nÓg after seeking spiritual protection, healing, and guidance. I have returned to the Path of the Druid, and continue my journey to Seek. 

My name is Josh

I’m new here… was looking for a forum to share my finds… these finds are gonna upset some people and excite some people… I am not a fraud nor am I a liar… I am not here to misinform or play games… what I am going to show you is real, undeniable, and irrefutable… My experience in the recent past (last several days) is that my post will be removed without an explanation… let’s see what you guys think…




...UPDATE … just realizing that this site does not post pictures… how do you get any idea of what an individual is posting about (especially something no one has seen) without the ability to upload images into your post? … HFR


Hi all, I’m a newbie to forums but would love to connect with others interested in ancient archaeology.  I first started reading articles from Ancient Origins website about 4 yrs ago when I began researching the roots of the Federal Reserve.  I’ve been tracing the Nephilim/giants from the days of Noah to the dollar bill.  It’s been absolutely fascinating to unearth the mysteries of the Great Pyramid, Baalbek, Stonehenge, Gilgal Rephaim, etc.  Looking to expand my understanding through this forum.

Laura Sanger

Hello History Enthusiasts!

I am new to these forums and am interested in absolutely everything.  I have traveled the world and have been drawn back to certain areas with ancient temples and mysterious origins.  Malta has fascinated me enormously.  Malta has the prehistoric temples of Tarxien, Hagar Qim, Mnajdra, etc., but many people are unaware of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum at Paola.  I had the distinct priviledge of going down into the hypogeum. The technology used to create this underground system is beyond anything we even have available today in my opinion.  The archeologists have crammed the hypogeum into conventional theory, but it simply doesn’t fit any more than Gobekli Tepe fits.  And the ancient “cart ruts” in stone puzzle me.  This is one small rock of an island in the middle of the Mediterannean, but the ancient mysteries to be explored are expansive!

I have traveled to all 7 continents (yes, including Antarctica!) and found ancient and unexplained mysteries everywhere.  Our world, the 3 dimensional space we live in, energies that shape our existence and quantom theories we are beginning to prove show us we need to open our minds and ask intelligent questions, search intelligently for answers, and let go of the notion we have "settled science” that everything must be shoe-horned into.   

Thank you all for your ideas, questions and contributions that help us open up our minds and THINK!  :-)  

Pacific Prehistory

I have been researching the origins of the Polynesian people for a number of years now. As a result we have made a number of documentaries. They are Cousins Across the Sea,

New Zealand Skeletons in the Cupboard – The Redheads, 

New Zealand Skeletons in the Cupboard – Under the Carpet

and The Lapita Conundrum.

They can be found here;

Hope you get something out of them.

Cheers, Peter Marsh



New here and enjoying it!!

I’m a retired automotive design engineer. After living wherever I needed to sell my skills, we retired to the Chattahoochee National Forest.

Imagine a place lacking cell coverage or high speed internet. We have satellite internet, phone and TV.  This is a place where all the neighbors have four legs and our trail cameras capture them.  According to them, our neighbors include black bear, bob cats, deer, and more. Yonah, my screen alias is black bear in Cherokee. It may not be for you; however, it is for us.

I’ve been interested in history in any form my whole life. I really enjoy this site and almost always visit every day. Basically, I’m here to expand my knowledge of what I so deeply enjoy and I’m grateful for this site and all of its contributing authors.

So what are we?

At the age of 4 I knew without doubt that what I was being told about the reality we lived within was not true, it was a shadow of true reality.  We are embodied with sensory organs that limit what we can perceive and therefore this limits our understanding of what exists and what is possible.  In that moment I also knew that this was helpful because to know all that is would be a nightmare, in each life we are born into we can gain a further understanding until we are ready for an experience of the true nature of reality.  Our soul is eternal and our embodied form is transitory, it changes, decays and transforms into other forms.  In this life I have travelled to many different countries and cultures and felt at home in each one, marvelling at the beauty and energy in each, and recognising the potentiallly fatal core that might  limit their growth and stunt development.  It would be difficult to express how I ‘know’ this, it is a feeling and awareness that just seems to offer itself and I am open to receive it.  Ancient Origins does provide a wide ranging view on the many and diverse cultures traditions and people that make up this wonderful array of views on how and why we each have conscious experience of our lived world, and this makes for interesting and expansive reading.


Loving This

I’ve been interested in everything ancient/mythological since I can remember. I honestly can’t remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I did and I was only too happy to subscribe. It’s one of the best online magazines I’ve come across. Thanks for making it!

Introduction for Greeley Miklashek, MD

I am a retired neuropsychiatrist in the US (Madison, Wisconsin) and have been a lifelong student of behavior across the spectuirm of life.     In order to fully understand both “normal” and abnormal human behavior and treatments, which is the core knowledge of psychiatry, I have developed a long experience (42yrs.) of clinical neuropsychiatry and am an avid student of the history and prehistory of humans, among myriad other species.     Eventually, I came to realize the central role of what I have come to call “population density stress” in the etiology of “mental illness” and all human illness.     The details of my discoveries can be found in “Stress R Us”, a 620 page online PDF and Amazon PB, as well as two small run privately published monographs on my palaeolithic artifact collections, including the “BERLIN” collection (including Venus figurines and spearthrowers and lithic tools) and the Neanderthal tool making type-set labelled “Le Moustier, Peyzak”.     Anyone seriously interested can contact me at [email protected].    Thanks for this site, although anything neolithic or later has little interest for me as the behavior is well understood and documented.     Have a great day!

Reply, to Greely Miklashek

Hi, Greely,

For me, your opinion on “population density stress” makes logical sense, absolutely.

Yesterday, I spotted this article:

Can we connect ancient group/tribal violent resource-competition, with modern circumstances?


"ancient ...resource competition"

Hi Merryme (?)!    Thanks for the interest!    I cover this topic extensively in “Stress R Us”, as it is such a major featuere of “modern” life.     If our Hunter-Gatherer ancestors had a fairly stable population of 2.6M before the “agricultural revolution” (6-12kya), then we are 3,000 timnes more densely populated and exceeding our natural resource base, so let the battle begin, go on endlessly (“endless war”).      Endless war is an inevitable consequence and element of population density stress.     Hunter-Gatherers fight over actual territory and its resources, but we moderns have invented symbolic territory and it is responsible for our massive overpopulation, which can only end with total resource depletion and collapse of the natural environment, which appears to be ongoing currently, right?      Have a great day!
