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5,000-Year-Old Deer Carvings Discovered In A First for Scotland!

5,000-Year-Old Deer Carvings Discovered In A First for Scotland!

Lost for around 5,000 years, an amateur archaeologist has discovered deer carvings inside Kilmartin Glen’s Dunchraigaig Cairn in the west of Scotland. The Neolithic or Early Bronze Age carvings...
Latest Bronze Age grave found near Loch Ness, left with soil, right after excavation.

“Special Site” for Bronze Age Burials Discovered Near Loch Ness

Archaeologists claim that they have found a 'special site' – as they described it – for Bronze Age burials near Loch Ness, after the discovery of a second 4,000-year-old peculiar grave containing a...
Torbrex Tam; facial reconstruction carried out by Emily McCulloch

Skeleton Found in Scotland Was 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Farmer

Human remains discovered 138 years ago in Stirling, Scotland, have been identified as belonging to a Bronze Age farmer who worked the land more than four millennia ago. This makes the man officially...
Hindu devotee practicing jñāna yoga, one of the methods believed to help attain mukthi

Archaeologists discover tomb of ancient man in India who had achieved mukthi

A group of Indian archaeologists have discovered the ancient remains of an individual whose tomb contained a marking indicating he may have achieved the state of ‘mukthi’, a belief observed by a...
Iron Age grave containing father and son weavers.

Together for two millennia: Iron Age burial containing father and son weavers unearthed in Scotland

A father and son buried together about 2,000 years ago in Linlithgow, Scotland, have been unearthed in the course of an archaeological dig. Archaeologists excavating the tomb say the pair were...
Rare medieval skeletal remains excavated in Wales

Rare medieval skeletal remains excavated in Wales date to 13th century

The remains of a woman who died around the late 12 th or early 13 th century were excavated under the foundation a Welsh church that has been converted into a museum. The church was built over an...
4,000-year-old pelt

4,000-year-old pelt found in princess grave reveals bears roamed Dartmoor, England

A 4,000-year-old fur pelt found in an ancient burial chamber belonging to a Bronze Age princess has revealed that brown bears once roamed Dartmoor, England, according to a BBC report . The discovery...
Cremated bones in 4000-year-old cist burial - Scotland

Cremated bones in 4000-year-old cist burial found hanging from Scottish cliff

Archaeologists have discovered cremated human remains in a Bronze Age cist burial hanging precariously from a cliff edge on Scotland’s Isle of Arran. One of the bones has been dated to between 2154...
Mold Gold Cape

Mold Gold Cape is the finest piece of prehistoric gold-working in Europe

The Mold Cape is a 3,700-year-old solid gold artefact found in the 19 th century within a Bronze Age burial mound at Mold, in Flintshire, Wales. It was finely crafted out of a single sheet of gold,...
Caherconnell in Ireland

Burials uncovered in Ireland reflect fusion of Paganism and Christianity

Excavations at Caherconnell in County Clare, Ireland, have uncovered ancient burials that reflect a fusion of Pagan practices with Christianity . Although it was initially believed that Christianity...
Burial Chamber in England

4,000-year-old burial chamber found in England may belong to ancient princess

A hoard of Bronze Age treasure unearthed two years ago in a 4,000-year-old tomb on Dartmoor , has come under the spotlight again as researchers believe the burial chamber could have belonged to a...
Sheepskin in Burial Cist - UK

Archaeologists Discover 4,000-Year-Old Sheepskin in Burial Cist

Workers constructing a septic tank in Sutherland, UK, in 2011 made a surprising find when they stumbled upon a prehistoric stone tomb amidst the rubble. Archaeologists were called in to investigate...