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Portrait attributed as Christopher Columbus (Public Domain) Deriv.

Christopher Columbus: Master Double Agent and Portugal’s 007

Henry IV of Spain – known as "The Impotent" for his weakness, both on the throne and (allegedly) in the marriage chamber – died in 1474. A long and inconclusive war of succession ensued, pitting...
Main: Featured image: Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Inset: The Roman sword found in water just off the mysterious Oak Island, Nova Scotia.

Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus

Researchers investigating the mysterious Oak Island, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, have made a startling announcement regarding the discovery of a Roman ceremonial sword and what...
 Columbus - America

Why NOT to celebrate Columbus Day

Columbus Day, which is celebrated today in the USA and honours the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the ‘New World’, is an example of outdated and misguided history. Rather than celebrate, we...