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2,500-Year-Old Celtic Chariot Proves Iron Age Links with Mainland Europe

2,500-Year-Old Celtic Chariot Proves Iron Age Links with Mainland Europe

The Newbridge Chariot is the name given to the remains of a Celtic chariot found in Edinburgh, Scotland. The burial is found to date to around the 5 th century B.C., hence placing it in the Iron Age...
Some of the finds presented at the Jan Dekerta Lubuskie Museum in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

Family Discovers a Collection of Rare Bronze Age Artifacts in Poland

A collection of bronze artifacts has been discovered in Lubuskie Province, in Poland. The objects are associated with the Lusatian culture, which was one of the most influential cultures of the...
The wooden wheel unearthed at Must Farm.

Bronze Age Wooden Wheel Adds to List of Surprising Finds at Must Farm

At the Must Farm Bronze Age site in England archaeologists have now turned up a wooden wheel to add to other significant finds there, including vitrified food and well-preserved textiles, wooden...
The cart from 2,400 years ago was reconstructed using original workmanship techniques with digital modeling and modern design.

Recreating the Past in a Cart Fit for a King: Experts Restore Rolls Royce of Ancient China

Chinese media are calling an ancient cart that experts replicated with computers and other modern and ancient techniques “ancient China’s No. 1 luxury car.” The wooden parts of the cart had...