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Canary Islands

1494 The Battle Of Acentejo:  A Gaunches Victory At Tenerife Over The Castilians

1494 The Battle Of Acentejo: A Gaunches Victory At Tenerife Over The Castilians

A battle at the end of May 1494, on the north slope of the island of Tenerife, between the Castilian troops of the belligerent Catholic Monarchs of Fernando II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castile and a...
Reconstruction of a Guanche settlement of Tenerife (CC BY-SA 3.0) and reconstructed face(Provided by author) Deriv.

The Face Of A Canary Island Guanche Woman, Reconstructing Ancestors

The narratives of history relate the fates and dates of nameless, faceless people who came before us, often reduced only to numbers, but when forensic facial reconstruction puts a face to history,...
Famous Gaunches Mummies Drenched In Dragons’ Blood Like A Stradivarius Violin

Famous Gaunches Mummies Drenched In Dragons’ Blood Like A Stradivarius Violin

From 1494 to 1496, the island of Tenerife was beset by a military invasion. The conquerors and soldiers of the Castilian kingdom of Castile and Aragon deployed numerous troops to subdue the hardened...
Reconstruction of a Guanche settlement of Tenerife. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Ancient Guanche Solar Worship And Fertility Rites In The Canary Islands

The Canarian laurel forest is a prehistoric forest about 20 million years old, present in many enclaves on the north coast of Tenerife. This wonderful and ancient forest formation treasures great...
Reconstruction of a Guanche settlement of Tenerife (Wouter Hagens/ CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Fan Pyramid of Tenerife, A Guanche Stone Solstice Marker

A peculiar pyramid with a ‘fan structure’ stands as an ancient stone solstice marker in Icod de los Vinos, a municipality on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands (Spain). The precolonial...
The bones of 72 Guanche people were found in a hard to reach cave-tomb in the Canary Islands

Dozens of Mummies and Skeletons Found in Canary Islands Cave Tomb

An 8th to 10th century grave containing 72 pre-Hispanic 'Guanche' natives has been discovered on Gran Canaria. In June last year an amateur archaeologist from the group 'El Legado’ flew a drone over...
Cenobio de Valeron, Gran Canaria     Source: Tamara Kulikova / Adobe Stock

Cenobio de Valeron: 350 Small Caves Create Confusion in the Canary Islands

The strange appearance of the cavities that comprise the immense Cenobio de Valeron archaeological site in the Canary Islands caused confusion for Spanish colonizers and early scholars. They...
An aerial view of Bentayga Rock, Gran Canaria Island.

Roque Bentayga, Gran Canaria: Vestiges of the Mysterious Guanche People

Roque Bentayga is a rock formation located on Gran Canaria, an island of the Canary Islands. Many archaeological remains connected to the mysterious Guanche people are found on Roque Bentayga and in...
Pelicar - A Guanche king

Researchers Get Closer to Finding the Origins of the Enigmatic Guanches…and No, They are Not Atlanteans

The Guanches were the white-skinned and fair-haired aboriginal people of the Canary Islands. With their location so near to North Africa, their origins have long presented a mystery for researchers...
Was the First Atlantic Slave Cemetery Made in the Canary Islands?

World’s Oldest Slave Cemetery May Have Been Found

Archaeologists claim that the remains found in a burial site excavated in 2009 in the Canary Islands could be some of the earliest known slave remains in the world. They were originally thought to...
Pyramids of Güímar - Tenerife

The Mystery of the Guanches and the Pyramids of Tenerife

Tenerife in the Canary Islands is well-known as a holiday destination, but many tourists visit the island unaware that there are pyramids there and an ongoing mystery. Who built the pyramids, when...
Ancient Cave in Spain

Ancient Cave in Spain reveals advanced astronomical knowledge of inhabitants

Research carried out in a cave located on the Canary Islands in Spain, in what was probably the indigenous region of Artevigua, suggests that the ancient islanders had an advanced understanding of...