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The ambush and assassination of Julius Caesar. Source: Justinas/Adobe Stock

Ambushes and Betrayals: 7 Assassinations that Shook the Ancient World

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is certainly not the first of its type in U.S. history. Other assassinations and assassination attempts include Abraham Lincoln, John...
Representation of betrayal, backstabbing. Source: wrukolakas/Adobe Stock

Historical Backstabs That Backfired Big Time (Video)

Historically, betrayals have often been met with unexpected consequences. The pursuit of power and revenge has led to the downfall of even the most cunning conspirators . One such instance occurred...
The Haryanka Dynasty of India: Betrayals of Fathers by Sons

The Haryanka Dynasty of India: Betrayals of Fathers by Sons

This is the story of a son in ancient India who killed his father for no other reason than uncontrolled ambition. In the royal dynasties of India, the killing of family members and family rivals is a...
Rembrandt - Christ with Hands Folded (Public Domain), and Nivedita, Sister - the Departure of Siddhartha

The Christ And The Buddha: How Can You Explain the Uncanny Similarities?

Buddhism and Christianity arose independently of each other, separated as they were by almost 3,000 miles and at least 500 years. In terms of religious belief systems they are even farther apart...
The so-called “Brutus” Marble.

Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger: Ultimate Betrayer or a Hero of the Roman Empire?

Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, commonly referred to as just ‘Brutus’, was a politician who lived towards the end of the Roman Republic. Brutus is best known for being one of the main conspirators...
The Unusual Life and Death of Julia: A Woman Trapped in the Empirical Intrigues of Ancient Rome

The Unusual Life and Death of Julia: A Woman Trapped in the Empirical Intrigues of Ancient Rome

Although they could not officially hold public offices, there were many women who were able to influence the course of Roman history from a position behind the scenes. Julia, the only daughter of...