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Battle of Culloden

Author searching for the Jacobite Gold in 2015. Source: Author provided

Bonnie Prince Charlie's Lost Gold: Treachery and Skullduggery in the Scottish Highlands

Although only one leather bag of gold coins has ever been recovered, no other treasure in Scottish history has inspired such controversy as the lost Jacobite Gold. The story begins in 1745 when...
Lost Jacobite Gold and the 275th Anniversary of the ‘Skirmish of Tongue’

Lost Jacobite Gold and the 275th Anniversary of the ‘Skirmish of Tongue’

Today marks the 275th anniversary of The Battle of Culloden , which was fought three miles east of Inverness at Drumossie Moor, in northeast Scotland. This was the final Jacobite uprising where...
‘The Battle of Culloden’ 1746 by David Morier. Source: Public Domain

9 Reasons for the Tragic Highlander Deaths in the Battle of Culloden

There have been countless significant battles throughout history. Some of them have become infamous – from the Battle of Passchendaele during WWI to the Battle of Hastings in 1066, but the majority...
Closing in on the Jacobite Gold? Jacobite Stash Unearthed in Scotland

Closing in on the Jacobite Gold? Jacobite Stash Unearthed in Scotland

On the 16th April 1746, the Battle of Culloden was Charles Edward Stuart's final stand in his Jacobite uprising of 1745. Pitted against British government forces led by William Augustus, Duke of...
The Family of Henry VIII: An Allegory of the Tudor Succession by Lucas de Heere (1572) National Museum Cardiff (Public Domain)

Things: Old Viking Parliaments, Courts And Community Assemblies

Ancient governmental terminology such as monarchy, oligarchy and democracy have been used for more than 2,000 years and have Greek and Roman origin, but in Early Germanic societies, right up to the...
The Family of Henry VIII: An Allegory of the Tudor Succession by Lucas de Heere (1572) National Museum Cardiff (Public Domain)

History Repeats Itself On The Television Screen

Even if school’s history class was a bit of a drudge, historical movies and television series delivered the same old stories with much more passion and intrigue than tweed wearing professors...