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Greece’s Rhamnous Coastal Port: Supreme Court Of Nemesis And Themis

Greece’s Rhamnous Coastal Port: Supreme Court Of Nemesis And Themis

Rhamnous on the east coast of Attica, overlooking the island of Euboea, was a deme of strategic importance to Athens during the sixth and fifth centuries BC, because it guarded the Euripus Strait,...
Sunset at Sounon and Poseidon (Cardaf/Adobe Stock) (Adobe Stock)

Greece’s East Attica In Antiquity: Playground Of Gods, Heroes And Heroines

The seductive scenery along the east coast of Attica in Greece overlooking the Aegean Sea, easily lures one back to an era when mythical gods and goddesses still claimed the land and implored their...
Detail of the cemetery showing pot burials and a funeral pyre at the foreground. Insert: Black-figure plate, with a prothesis scene, of which survives only the head of the deceased on the funeral bed and two women mourning him.

Ancient Greek Cemetery Provides a Fascinating Window into Everyday Life and Death

A team of archaeologists is excavating a huge cemetery of the common people in Attica, Greece. They’ve found some fascinating phenomena of the ancient world contained within—including “gifts from the...