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Rediscovering Iconic Artifacts From Noah’s Flood In The Stars

Rediscovering Iconic Artifacts From Noah’s Flood In The Stars

The story of a primordial, global Deluge popularized in the Noah’s Ark narrative endures as one of antiquity’s most baffling enigmas. Old Testament theologians unanimously agree that the Biblical...
Zodiac signs sphere Chernivtsi, Ukraine ( Ruslan / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Origins Of The Modern Zodiac Constellation

Circa 10,835 BC the cataclysmic Younger-Dryas impact event appears to have contributed to the demise of human cultures and many megafaunal species across several continents, although more research is...
Pillar in Gobekli Tepe (Deriv.) ( sebnemsanders) with a starry night sky. ( CC0) What can be discerned about the site from Gobekli Tepe archaeoastronomy?

Global Roundtrip Of Zodiacal Dating Of Ancient Artifacts

Archaeologists agree, Gōbekli Tepe changes everything. This hilltop sanctuary in southern Turkey, probably the world’s first megalithic temple, is like a time capsule dating back to nearly 13, 000...
The sun strikes the exact center of the figure at right at noon on the winter solstice.

A thousand years ago, Native Americans aligned drawings with solstice sun

Hundreds of years ago, Native Americans in what is now West Texas drew more than a thousand glyphs in red pigment on rocks on a cliff. Every winter solstice at noon, the sun strikes the center of one...